Day 35 - Hoping I can Survive

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"Only four more days." Kyle said as everyone nodded. "This game is literally at its end I can't believe I made it this far." Eliana said.

Only four more days and I could be the sole survivor, it's crazy how all the drama that's been going on has kept me safe, I can't be to cocky I'm almost to the end -Moriah

"What do you think today's challenge will be?" Austin asked. "I don't know, but I know it's going to be a real challenge." Emily said.

So my brother is gone, but I can't pout it will show weakness I'm just hoping I can survive now -Emily


"Come in guys." Jeff said as the remaining five contestants came in looking at him. "Before we start I'll take it back Eliana." Jeff said as Eliana gave Jeff back the immunity necklace.

"Once again immunity is back up for grabs. Today challenge is simple all you have to do is hold on a pole as long as you can." Jeff said as they all looked with concern. "The last person to keep on will be safe and have a guaranteed 1 and 5 shot at winning this game, let's get targeted." Jeff said.

Everyone got on the wooden pole with narrow foot holes holding on. "This challenge is on." Jeff said as they all began to hold and quickly it was a struggle for some of them.

Kyle had began to struggle trying to keep his feet on, as well as Austin. "This challenge is definitely not a man's challenge." Kyle said holding on as everyone laughed.

"Austin struggling." Jeff said as Austin was sliding down, but still holding on.

"A little struggle from Eliana." Jeff said as Eliana began to slide down trying to stay up, but couldn't as she fell off. "Eliana is out the challenge." Jeff said as she sat on the bench.

20 minutes later

The remaining four were still on the pole, but some of them were struggling very hard. "I can't." Kyle said as he fell off the pole. "Kyle is out the challenge."

"Moriah finally showing some struggle." Jeff said as Moriah face was red holding on as her feet were slipping.

Austin began slipping as well, but kept pushing himself up.

Emily tried to remain steady as she was holding on.

30 minutes later

"You guys are holding up this for a shot in the final four." Jeff said as they were all holding on and began to struggle. Moriah began slipping as she flipped all the way down bruising her. "Ouch Moriah, you are out the challenge bruising yourself." He said as Austin fell down as well.

"Emily wins individual immunity!" Jeff said as Emily jumped down with relief.


Jeff put the immunity necklace around Emily, "Emily is safe tonight and cannot be voted out, as for one of you guys, one of you will be voted out." Jeff said as they nodded.

Anemy Tribe

"Congratulations Emily." They said as smiled.

It feels good to win individual immunity because now I know the deal is I'm in the middle once again -Emily

"Tonight we have to get Austin out, this might be our only chance." Moriah said. "I do agree he's played the game before he's sneaky and if he does make it to the end no doubt he will win." Eliana said.

I'm so nervous on what's going on tonight because I know if Moriah and I are going for Austin then Kyle and Austin are going for us, I'm hoping I'm not targeted -Eliana

"Let's do this and take out Moriah I'm so done with her." Kyle said. "Couldn't agreed more she's to aggravating and she always has to put her cents in, she's a threat." Austin said.

I'm hoping that Moriah goes home it will help my chances of winning this game -Kyle

"I'm telling you this right now please vote for Austin it will help you and I will vote for you in the end if I make it." Moriah said.

"Emily, you know we have take her out its been you and me since the game started." Kyle said.

Tonight's going to be a home reck! I don't know what's going on in my mind -Emily

Survivor -GalapagosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang