Day 8 - "A Madhouse"

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Now everyone was really playing someone you can tell by their actions. It was day 8, immunity challenge for tribal and no doubt everyone wanted to win this.

The Apache Tribe had been a little mess after the reward challenge, why? Because of all the sudden changes in alliances. It seemed everyone wanted to not wait for a big move or to make a big move.

All night it was rainy, and raining hard. Every tribe felt the rain and couldn't sleep, it was difficult. With the Apache not having a tarp the rain hit them harder then ever, who knew it would rain over night.

It was a new day and it was still raining. Everyone was trying to stay warm and cuddle, but that wouldn't help.

"This rain is so much right now." Sierra said walking away as she stood near a tree wili.g her tears as Ayanna went over to her hugging her as the rain fell on them.

The rain has been going all day and I can't do this horrible weather it's breaking me down -Sierra

"Stay confident girl, soon this weather will be gone you have to stay strong." Ayanna told Sierra as Sierra wiped her tears.

"Oh come on she's crying, it's Survivor she thought it was going to be easy?" David said chuckling. Eliana rolled her eyes putting her hair in a ponytail so her hair won't get drenched again.

"Whatever happens we have to win." Ej told the tribe as they nodded getting up putting their hands in the circle cheering.

During the Kekoa Tribe, they were more suttle with the tarp. The tribe clearly showed the alliances, and with Justin and Emily seperating one was on top of the other in the tribe.

"Rain is so beautiful." Laren said drenching her hair out as Ivan nodded. "Well let's just hope that the rain shimmer downs before the immunity challenge." Jazmin said.

Kyle and Emily were seperated from the tribe because, well they weren't with everyone. "So, today we have to win." Emily said. "No doubt, or it's one of our asses. But, I think we can get someone to flip." Kyle said.

Hoping we win today I don't want to leave yet, but with this idol you don't know what to except. -Emily

"Come on in guys." Jeff said as the two tribes came in from different directions. The rain had shimmered down a bit, so everything was alright for now.

"Today you two castaways from each tribe race out to a giant tribe-colored crate. Once they reach the crate, they must roll it back to their tribe's mat. Upon reaching the tribe mat, the next pair run out to get the next crate. Once all 6 crates have been collected, the contestants would stack the crates, solving a puzzle on the side of the crates (spelling out a key word or phrase). Once all the crates have been stacked correctly, the castaways would climb up the crates to a platform. The first tribe to get all tribe members on the platform wins." Jeff said as the tribes nodded.

"But today there's a little thing I didn't tell you." Jeff said as they looked confused. "Not only one tribe will be going to tribal, but two." He said as they all looked shocked.

"This is only 6 people Apache you have three extra members who are you sitting out?" Jeff said as the Apache Tribe had a quick talk. "I am." Sierra said. "And me." Eliana said. "Me." David said. "And, Kekoa?" He asked. "I am." Emily said. "Go take a seat and everyone else I'll give you a minute to stragetize." Jeff said.

"Survivors ready?" Jeff asked Kyle and Ej took on the platform first. "Go!" He said as they both ran out to the crate. The crates were no joke, they were heavy not to heavy and big. Kyle got to his crate first pushing it as Ej got to his crate pushing it. They both were pushing the crate, as it was heavy. Kyle pushed it back to the mat as Mariana ran out to the mat. Ej made it back as Moriah ran out to the crate. Kekoa was in the lead for a minute as, Moriah had made up time as she and Moriah both made it back. Cameron and Justin ran out to their crate as they both were neck and neck, Cameron had began pushing more making it to his mat first as Samantha ran out to grab the crate. Justin finally brought the crate as Lauren ran out. Samantha was almost there as Lauren was putting all her force pushing it as she finally began pushing it. Samantha came back as Austin ran out to the crate, he quickly pushed it Lauren finally made it to the mat as Ivan ran out to get the crate. Ayanna ran out as she quickly went to the crate. They were both neck and neck as Ivan made it first as they all began trying to solve the puzzle. Ayanna came back as they began solving. They all looked trying to figure it out. "What the." Samantha said. Both tribes were trying to figure it out. "I got it!" Jazmin said as the other tribe looked. They began putting one crate as a time as Moriah figured it out as they began putting the crates. The Kekoa Tribe had put the last crate as they ran up the crate one at a time. "Kekoa wins!" Jeff said as they cheered.

"Here you go Kekoa." Jeff said giving the statue to Jazmin. "I'll see both of you at tribal where somebody from both tribes will be voted out." Jeff said as they nodded heading back to their camp.

The Kekoa Tribe celebrated for a quick time as they quickly went to serious. Everyone began talking.

"Tonight no doubt it's Emily or Kyle." Ivan said. "Yea, they are very sneaky and sketchy we have to break them up." Jazmin said.

After that little move Emily and Kyle played time to say goodbye. -Ivan

"I like it, doesn't even matter we have the people no more matter what plus they never leave camp so doubt they have an idol." Mariana says.

"You know one of us are leaving tonight." Kyle said. "No were not." Emily said grabbing her bag showing the idol as Kyle was in shock. "Dude we got this!" Kyle said.

For Emily showing this to me I know there's trust, but that doesn't save me ugh -Kyle

"I talked to my brother they said they are more of taking me out then you so here's the plan." Emily said.

My brother and I aren't align, but in the end I would hate to see him go and he would hate for me to -Emily


"So let's take Austin out." Cameron told Ayanna as they both shook hands. Cameron walked away."So Austin?" Sierra said as Ayanna smirked. "I have a better idea." She said.

"I want to take out Cameron or David." Moriah said. "Totally, but what about Austin?" Eliana said. "Don't worry I hear all their names are being thrown." Moriah said laughing.

So Austin and Cameron are not really talking because Ayanna and myself decided to play on both of them wanting them out -Moriah

"You guys why are you letting the girls get in your head, you are too strong as one. Let's just do this and take out Ayanna or Moriah." David said.

"You're right sorry Cameron." Austin said as they both hugged it out. "Sorry as well now what do we do?" Cameron asked.

Everything right now is a madhouse everyone is everywhere I'm hearing six people's names in a tribe of 9 -Samantha

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