Tribal Council

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The Apache Tribe walked in tribal not knowing what was going to happen. "Find each of you a torch and dip it in the fire this a part of a ritual in tribal. Fire represents your life and once it's gone so are you." Jeff said as the tribe put their torches down sitting.

"This is your first tribal, but not Austin's, you had time to get to know each other how is it going Austin?" Jeff asked.

"Well this tribe is a very split tribe they are about four alliances going on with a lot of talk." Austin said.

"Is it good to have all these alliances in a tribe of 10 Samantha?" Jeff asked.

"Of course not, there's to many things that will happen plus today with all the names being thrown I don't know what to except." Samantha.

"Hopefully tonight goes everything as planned." Cameron said. "With the bad vibe you had we know nothing is going as planned." Moriah said as Ayanna laughed and everyone looked confused

"So many names, four alliances, uncertain vibe and ten people well I guess we will see what will go on tonight, it is time to vote." Jeff said.


Jeff comes back with the jar of votes. "If anyone has the hidden immunity and want to use it, now will be the time to do so." Jeff said as they were quiet. "Once the votes are read decision is final, person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal immediality."

"First vote Austin."

"Second vote Austin."

"Third vote Ayanna."

"Fourth vote David." David raised his eyebrow.

"Fifth vote Ayanna."

"Sixth vote David."

"Seventh vote Austin." Austin looked upset.

"Eigth vote David." David looked comfused.

"Ninth vote Ayanna." Ayanna covered her mouth.

"One vote left." Jeff said as Ayanna, Austin and David became nervous.

"Third person voted out of Survivor Galapagos." Jeff said opening the vote as everyone looked as Jeff turned it around. "David, time for you to go." Jeff said. "What?" Austin said. "Anyone else confused?" Ayanna said as David got up grabbing his torch.

"David the tribe has spoken." Jeff said buring his fire out as David walked out tribal.

"So it seems that this vote was a shocker maybe the wrong person got booted well congrats on surviving your first tribal, goodnight." Jeff said as they nodded grabbing their torch heading out.


The Kekoa Tribe came in as the rain had started. They put their torches down as they sat down.

"So by the previous tribal for sure Kyle is on the bottom and now Emily, but Justin explain." Jeff said.

"Well it's survivor I can't keep holding on what my sister wants I have to play my own game." Justin said.

"So have idols been talked about." Jeff asked as the majority of the tribe nodded.

"So if Kyle or Emily does have an idol what will happen, Ivan?" Jeff asked.

"Honestly Jeff they don't have one they never leave camp so I doubt it." Ivan said as Emily rolled her eyes.

"Emily you rolled your eyes why?" Jeff asked. "I mean we don't have an idol, but doesn't mean that we will give up anything can happen in this game." Emily said.

"Well, it is time to vote." Jeff said.


Jeff came back with the jar, "If anyone has an hidden immunity and want to play it now will be the time to do so." Jeff said as everyone remained quite. "You know since people doubt me I'm not going home." Emily said grabbing the idol from her bag walking to Jeff. "This indeed is a hidden immunity idol any votes cast against Emily will not count." Jeff said. "Dammit." Ivan said in fustration as Emily smiled.

"First vote Emily doesn't count"

"Second vote Emily doesn't count"

"Third vote Emily doesn't count" Emily laughed.

"Fourth vote Emily doesn't count ."

"Fifth vote Emily doesn't count."

"Sixth vote Ivan." Ivan looked down.

"One vote left." Jeff said

"Seventh vote Lauren." He said as Lauren looked confused.

"In the event of a tie there is a re vote you can only vote for either Lauren or Ivan and you guys cannot vote, time to vote." Jeff said

"I'll read the votes."

"First vote Ivan."

"Second vote Lauren."

"Third vote Ivan."

"Fourth vote Lauren."

"One vote left." Jeff said as Ivan and Lauren looked nervous as Emily and Kyle high fived each other.

"Fourth person voted out of Survivor Galapagos"

"Lauren." Jeff said as she was shocked as well as Ivan. She hugged Ivan getting up grabbing her torch and heading to Jeff. "Lauren the tribe has spoken." Jeff said burning out her fire as she walked out the tribal with an upset Ivan.

"Wow. Seems anything can happen night." Jeff said as they nodded grabbing their torches heading out.


Vote #1

David - Ayanna

Moriah - Austin

Ej - David

Cameron - Ayanna

Eliana - David

Ayanna - Austin

Samantha - David

Austin - Ayanna

Sierra - David

David exit message -

I am shocked that I was taken out for no reason. Well, I could of played better and I had fun maybe I'll come back

Vote #2

Ivan - Emily

Kyle - Ivan

Emily - Lauren

Lauren - Emily

Jazmin - Emily

Justin - Emily

Mariana - Emily


Kyle - Lauren

Emily - Ivan

Jazmin - Lauren

Justin - Ivan

Mariana - Lauren

Lauren's exit message -

Didn't see that coming a total blindside. I had a great experience though wishing I went further to show my strength, but you know I didn't get that chance.

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