Day 20 - Head Could Be Chopped off

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Moriah and Ayanna were talking the beach before the immunity challenge talking, "So do you think we got the numbers?" Ayanna asked. "I think Mariana is with us she said she was thinking." Moriah said.

At we have one girl on her side which is Eliana, but today Austin can't win today because if he does the plan will be ruined and we will have to back door -Ayanna

Austin grabs the immunity necklace and puts it on his neck heading with everyone the immunity challenge to see what was in store for them.


"Come on in guys." Jeff said as the merge tribe came in standing in two lines looking at Jeff. "First I will take it back Austin." Jeff said as Austin walked over to Jeff as he took it off his neck. "Once again immunity is back up for grabs, todays challenge you will have to cross a ladder bidge while untangling a bag of puzzle pieces from an intertwined rope. The first four to be get them first will move on to the next part. After you got all your bags you must solve a complicated 60-piece puzzle, first person to do that is guaranteed a 1 in 11 shot at winning this game, let's begin." Jeff said.

The survivors waited for Jeff to give them the signal as they all were waiting. "Survivors ready go!" Jeff said they got on the ladder bidge untangling a bag of puzzle pieces, it was hard indeed because the rope was long and tangled. Cameron had began taking the lead while he was untangling the rope, but Austin was right behind him. Everyone else was untangling trying not to get frustrated, but it was. Cameron began going down untangling the rope as he got off the ladder untangling it grabbing the bag running to the post. "Cameron moves on to the next round, we're looking for 3 more!" Jeff shouted as Austin ran the post with his bag, "Austin moves on, 2 more left!" Jeff said. The survivors were trying to untangle it, but it was harder then it looked, trying to take out the ropes while looping the bag around it to the end. Jazmin grabbed her bag running to her post," Jazmin moves on, one spot left." Jeff said as everyone else was moving down to the end as Eliana grabbed her back running to the post. "Eliana moves on! Everyone else can a seat on the bench." Jeff said as Moriah and Ayanna looked at Eliana smiling.

"Austin, Cameron, Jazmin, and Eliana one will win the immunity challenge survivors ready go!" Jeff said as all of them began to open their bag of puzzles sorting them out, 60 pieces, it was insanely difficult. "I hope Eliana wins this then I know we're safe." Moriah whispered to Ayanna as Kyle raised his eyebrow. Austin and Cameron began to help each other with the pieces as Eliana was working on it by herself over hearing them as Jazmin was in last figuring the pieces out. Austin and Cameron were tied as Eliana was right behind him and Jazmin falling behind, but not giving up. The challenge was getting intense and hard with the pieces being difficult as Eliana had got stuck in her puzzle as she started to freak out as she was confused on the puzzle. Ayanna looked nervous as Cameron and Austin then started getting confused and stuck as Moriah got happy. Everyone seemed to be confused as Jazmin stopped and read the puzzle as she began smiling figuring the puzzle out as everyone looked at her as she was putting piece by piece as Eliana, Cameron, and Austin began to freak out. Jazmin put the pieces as she moved back, "Is it right?" Jeff said walking to Jazmin's puzzle, "Jazmin wins individual immunity!" Jeff said as she smiled as Justin and Mariana went up to her hugging her.

Jeff puts the necklace around Jazmin. "Jazmin is safe and has a 1 and 11 shot of winning this game as for the rest of you someone will be voted out tonight." Jeff said as they nodded as they went back to camp.

It feels so good winning I'm safe, but tonight is honestly going to be a crazy one since the girls alliance is in full action -Jazmin

At camp the talk had been on on who should go home tonight and it was pretty obvious that the girls alliance was a target.

Justin opened the note up from the reward to see that it was a clue to the hidden immunity idol. "Yes!" He said stuffing it in his pocket.

"I overheard Moriah and Ayanna at the immunity that Eliana was working with them and if it's true we have to get Eliana out." Kyle said talking with Emily, Jazmin, and Mariana.

"Then let's take her out we know Cameron and Austin are going to be on the bottom anyway, if we get Eliana out right now we can take each girl one by one." Emily said.

"Talk to Austin and Cameron about the votes and I'll try to get something out of Eliana." Mariana said as they all separated.

Tonight is going to a tricky one, we do want Ayanna or Moriah out, but seeing new people aligning with them needs to gone asap -Emily

"Tonight, if we all stick together then Austin is gone, there's no way we could lose this one." Samantha said. "Agreed, girls alliance will live." Ayanna said as they smiled.

Mariana took Eliana away for a few to talk as Kyle was talking to Austin and Cameron.

"Jazmin, promise me you won't tell anyone." Justin said as Jazmin nodded. "I found a clue to the hidden immunity idol." Justin said as Jazmin looked in shock.

"Tonight you are going to be voted because you work with the girls I'm telling you this so you need to figure a plan out." Mariana said. "Thank you." Eliana said hugging her.

"We're going to vote Samantha because she's a wildcard as well as Ellie plus if anything goes wrong there's extra votes." Austin said.

"Look Kyle we know what we're doing, but why don't you join the dark side and finally make your own moves." Cameron said.

Tonight is going to be a hell razer and I'm hoping that everything goes as plans or my head could be chopped off at tribal -Moriah

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