Tribal Council

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It was dark and cold as tribal was among, the remaining eight contestants left, they put their torches down grabbing a seat as they look at Jeff.

"We will now bring in the members of the jury." Jeff said as they came in one on one, "Sierra, Samantha, Mariana, and Jazmin voted out of last tribal council." Jeff said as they sat down as Justin looked at Jazmin as she smiled.

"This game is slowly getting closer to the end, and we figured that the alliances are close, but with four boys and four girls and the two who can't stand each other win the challenge what's going to happen, Justin?" Jeff asked.

"Nothing but hope because you don't know who you could trust as we whine don't do the end." Justin said.

"Do you potentially could be another blindside, Kyle?" Jeff asked.

"I don't see one coming, but who knows." Kyle said.

"How does it feel to know you're safe tonight Moriah?" Jeff asked.

"Honestly great because I don't have to worry on me being gone, but some people do." Moriah said.

"What she's saying is me or Kyle, but in reality some girl can go home." Cameron said.

"Whatever just be quite before my raven birds attack." Moriah said as everyone laughed.

"Emily how do you think tonight's vote is going to?" Jeff asked.

"A little obvious you could say, but hey you have to do what you have to do." Emily replied.

"Well it is time to vote." Jeff said.


"If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and will like to use it now will be the time to do so." Jeff asked as everyone looked at each other and remained quite.

"Alright once the votes are read decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave tribal immediately." Jeff said.

"First vote Ayanna."

"Second vote Cameron."

"Third vote Ayanna."

"Fourth vote Cameron."

"Fifth vote Ayanna."

"Sixth vote Cameron."

"11th person voted out of Survivor Galapagos and the fifth member of our juror, Cameron." Jeff said as Cameron nodded getting as Moriah smirked as he grabbed his torch heading to Jeff.

"Cameron the tribe has spoken." He said burning out his fire. "Time for you to go." He said as he walked out tribal council.

"Well it seems that there is still some on off again alliances, but congratulations on the final 7, see you tomorrow good night." Jeff said.


Cameron - Ayanna

Ayanna - Cameron

Emily - Cameron

Austin - Ayanna

Kyle - Ayanna

Justin - Cameron

Moriah - Cameron

Cameron exit message - Well I wouldn't be surprised, I had this coming for a while, but I can honestly say I'm proud of what I accomplished in this game and no one can take it away from me I had a great time and experience and that's all I could ask for.

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