Day 13 - Coming Soon

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A new day in survivor, day 13 and the merge was close, but nobody knew when it was coming. After a crazy tribal with the new Kekoa, it was clear that people were ready to make some big moves, and not afraid of the consequence.

So last night Ej out of all people were voted out, it's crazy because Sierra flipped like why did you flip! -Ayanna

"Why did you flip?" Ayanna asked. "Look, Ivan was telling me this and that so I flipped, but it was stupid cause it risked my game, trust me I'm with you." Sierra replied.

I flipped on purpose to see what would happen which work fine, I'm so glad that I did and it pinned it on Ivan, but now I have to be an actress in the lie -Sierra


"Come in guys." Jeff said as the tribes both came in. "Apache take a new look at the Kekoa Tribe, Ej voted out last tribal." Jeff said as Eliana and Samantha were shocked.

"Today for your reward challenge, three of you will be station to one position. One person will run through a pile of mud where a key will be on the pod em and you must untangle in the ropes, After the first person is down they will give the key to the next person who has to go back in the mud where there's a box with your tribe color after you got it you will drag it to the last person who will solve a puzzle, first tribe who does this wins reward, want to know what your playing for?" Jeff asked as the tribe cheered as he reveal the reward with fishing gear, blankets, pillows, and coffee. "Let's begin." Jeff said.

"We have our teams we have Eliana and Ayanna for the first station, Austin and Cameron the second station and Emily and Samantha on the last station, survivors ready go!" Jeff said as Eliana and Ayanna ran in the mud trying to go for there key on the pod em, Eliana fell in the mud and got up running as Ayanna began untangling the ropes to get her key as Eliana got to her pod em untangling her key, Ayanna got her key as she gave it to Austin and he grabbed it running in the mud looking for his box as Eliana got her giving it to Cameron as he ran in the mud looking for his box, Austin got a box, but he noticed it wasn't his so he put it back down covering it with mud as he stood up looking for his blocking Cameron from getting his box without knowing. Cameron was looking for his box, but couldn't find it as Austin found his box pulling it out the mud as he was running to the last station not noticing he dropped the key. He gave the box to Emily as Emily was looking for the key, as Austin noticed it was missing, he look on the floor looking for it as Cameron was digging in the mud as he finally found his box pulling it to the last station, Austin was still looking for his key, but couldn't find it as Cameron gave the box and key to Samantha as she began working on the puzzle. Austin found the key running to Emily as she grabbed it opening the key as she started the puzzle. Emily had a couple puzzles, but Samantha was finishing as she moved back. "Apache wins reward!" Jeff said as they cheered hugging each other as Emily pushed the puzzles in disappointment.

As the Apache tribe went back to camp with the reward they were so happy.

"We are unstoppable." Mariana said as they agreed cheering as Eliana walked in the woods upset. "What's up with her?" Justin asked.

Eliana went to the place the idol was as she dug it up grabbing it and putting it in her bra. "I can't trust anyone now." She said fixing the hole.

My closet ali was voted out and now I honestly have no one I can't trust them, but I have to pretend to - Eliana

"I honestly think we're doing great." Moriah said. "Agreed, as long as we keep this up nothing can stop us." Cameron replied.

During the Kekoa Tribe they were separated as usual, being they never bonded.

"At least were still here, I feel like we can make merge." Ivan said. "I do to, but we don't know when it's coming." Emily said.

"Sorry guys for messing up the reward challenge." Austin said. "It's okay we all make mistakes, and at least it wasn't the immunity challenge." Ayanna said as Sierra was laying in the shelter relaxing as Austin saw the other three.

I don't know, but I think it's possible time that I try to play dirty, with the merge coming soon you don't know what to except -Austin

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