Day 10 - Four Square Game

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A new day, and there was a lot of intensity in both tribes by the vote of Lauren and David. The weather was chilly, but the sun was shining. The birds were chirping and the howler monkeys were growing.

At Apache everyone was quite separated from each other. "I can't believe half of the tribe flipped and took out David I mean he was pointless anyway, but not a treat like Austin." Ayan name said to Moriah as she nodded.

Last night was insane with a split vote and David leaving really helped us, but hurt it because we know this tribe has surprises -Moriah

"Great idea last night I didn't think it would actually work." Ej said as Samantha smiled. "I mean I think we need to shake this tribe up because if we don't well be seen as threats." Samantha said.

"Dude what are we going to do." Cameron asked. "We can't give up we need to definitely get someone who isn't afraid of making moves and would be least unexpected." Austin said.


"I can't believe that Lauren is gone." Ivan said walking on the beach with Justin. "Look I didn't even know my sister had an idol everyone was shocked, but head up dude it's not like you guys were dating." Justin said as Ivan look faking as smile.

It feels great still being here I'm definitely not giving up and with Emily as my alliance what could go wrong -Kyle

"Guy's we don't have tree mail that's weird." Eliana said as the Apache tribe look confused.


"Come on in guys." Jeff said as both tribes walked in different direction. They both stood,"Take a look at both tribes Lauren and David voted out last tribal." Jeff said as the both tribes look confused on why they were both eliminated on the tribes.

"Today we'll be doing something different." Jeff said as the tribes looked at each other confused. "Drop your buffs we are switching tribes." Jeff said as everyone was shocked taking their buff out throwing it on the floor. "This is crazy." Sierra said.

"I will give you something to open once you open it the color you have is your new tribe." Jeff said as they began to grab a covered item one and a time until the last person got one. "Open your item." Jeff said as everyone began open it with a few f bombs dropped.

"If you are black then move to the left and if you're red then move to the right and saw hi." Jeff said as everyone began moving to the direction they has with their new tribe.

On the left we have Apache, Moriah, Justin, Cameron, Eliana, Samantha, Mariana and Jazmin.

On the right we have Kekoa, Ivan, Emily, Ayanna, Kyle, Austin, Ej, and Sierra.

"Now let's get to our first reward challenge as a tribe." Jeff said. "Today we will only be needing one person from each tribe." Jeff said as the looked surprised.

"Today one person will be trying to launch five bags in their basket by running out in the ocean and collecting a a huge bag once they got that they can began shooting them by stomping on the wood to fly it in the basket. First one to do that we'll get chickens, bread, and coffee." He said as they all groaned with happiness. "Let's get started." Jeff said.

"Alright for the Apache tribe we have an interesting duo for Apache we have Moriah and for Kekoa we have Ivan, survivors, ready,go!" Jeff said as they both ran to the ocean swimming to grab their bag. They were both neck and neck, but the bag was far and was attached to a bowie. Ivan got to this bowie as he went under the water to grab his bag as Moriah did the same thing. They both were trying to untie the bag as they both struggled a bit. Ivan got his bag as he began to swim back as Moriah got her back swimming back. Ivan got to the beach a few minutes later being first as he was exhausted pulling the bag to his station as Moriah came to the beach seconds later pulling her bag to her station. Ivan had got on his wood plate with the bag aiming it carefully as he shot the first one getting one in as Moriah untied her back and began to shoot her first one, but missing. Ivan shot again making it as his tribe have another point as Moriah got the first one in. Ivan began leading off as he successfully got his third one in but the exhaustion of the challenge was getting to him, yet he didn't back down. Moriah had made her second one as she was tired as well. Ivan shot again as he made his fourth one with only one left, Moriah had hit the third one as Ivan shot he missed the last one as he to grab as Moriah made the fourth one. They both had one left and they were both exhausted, they shot in the basket

"Apache wins!" Jeff said raising his hand as Ivan's bag didn't fall in the basket as Moriah ran to her tribe hugging them as they grabbed their items going to their camp.

At camp the new Apache began cooking with the things they got in the reward smiling. The irony of both tribes, the Apache had four original members and three former Kekoa, the Kekoa had four Apache's and three originals.

"I like your camp." Jazmin said sitting by Justin as they were eating. "Well thanks! How was your old tribe?" Eliana asked drinking her coffee. "It was chaotic, Emily had pulled an idol at tribal resulting in a revote and she's been attacking one by one with Kyle." Mariana said as they were listening.

Listening to the former Kekoa they were happy to be out the tribe of snakes but all of them are to close which can result to my plan hitting a solid rock -Moriah

Kekoa Tribe

"Look guys I know we aren't good with each other, but our tribe is taken over and we need to stick together and find a weakness in the tribe who would flip." Ivan said. "For once I'll agree with you." Emily said. "I totally agree, but we have to figure who that person is." Kyle said.

I don't trust Emily or Kyle but they are the only way that I can assure my game is good because if I don't then I'll be out next -Ivan

"Dudes, we totally dominate both tribes we just need to be on our game and stay like it." Austin said. "I agree." Sierra said. "I guess we're going to do this." Ayanna said.

I have a decent tribe, but Apache is split dominating both, this now a four square game and each Kekoa member will be bounced off one at a time -Austin

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