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It's been 6 days since Zayn found me in my bed with Justin. 6 days since he last spoke to me. 6 days since I'd last seen him. He didn't come to school and when I tried to visit his home his dad wouldn't let me in. He even told me not to come back. That hurt me because Zayn's dad is like a father to me. He looked out for me in ways that my mum hadn't. I hadn't even realize how important he was to me until then.

I splashed some cold water on my face. It's 3:00 am and I can't sleep. I stare into the mirror and see the bags that littered underneath my eye. My lips were dry and my hair was greasy. I didn't look appealing at all. But I didn't care. It feels as if a part of me is missing, like there's this big chunk that's been taken away from me. I feel worse than before I got Zayn.

Before, I could deal with just being friends because I still had him as an important factor in my life. He still talked to me everyday and he laughed the same. We hung out all the time. But now.. I know what the feeling of having Zayn is like. Having him as more than a friend. Having him as my soulmate. I didn't have that before so I didn't know what I had been missing.

Now I do. I know exactly what I've been missing, and it's only been six days. I can't endure this any longer. I need to see him, talk to him, explain everything that happened and make sure he knows that I love him and only him. That I want to be with him and only him.
I have to let him know that, or else I'll be ruined.

I looked at myself in the mirror once more before turning around to turn on the shower. It's probably a good idea that I wash up because for the last four days I haven't, and I want to at least be somewhat clean for when I talk to Zayn. I have to do it today. I can't go another day without him.

After my shower and I made sure my hair was grease free, I got dressed and went to get something to eat. I only ate two bananas and drank a bottle of water because I haven't really had an appetite either but I know I need to eat something. I check the time. His dad should be gone by now which gives me sometime to sneak into his house and check up on him. I grab the papers off my dresser and and take them with me. Before I go to his house I stop at a sweet shop to get him some chocolates and a gift shop for a bear and flowers. I know that this shit won't make up for what happened. I just hope it would sweeten the deal.

I pulled up to his house and spotted that his dad's car is indeed gone. I mentally cheer and turn off the engine before exiting the car. I make it to the front door and I hold up my hand to knock but I pause. I've never been so nervous in my life. I know he's not going to want to see me. I just know it. I stand there for a moment with my hand raised debating if I should knock or not. My arm was starting to hurt just holding it there, while the other one is filled with the chocolates bear and flowers between my chest. I have big hands so it's not that hard to carry all these things, especially since my chest is supporting it.

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