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"C'mon Zaynie." Nola pulls me by my hand.

"K." My voice comes out cracked. As soon as we got to Nan's house Nola was urging me to come with her.

"Why do you sound like that?" She asked and stopped pulling me to look at me. I look up at Harry and he coughed into his hand laughing and smirking. I glare at him. He just winks at me. I can't get upset with him because I was the one who wanted it. Pretty stupid, I know, considering we had somewhere to be.

But I really really wanted it. Plus it was a little gift to him.

"Sore throat." I manage to get out smiling a little.

"Yeah, he probably won't do much talking, bunny. In fact it's better if he doesn't." I can feel my cheeks heat up. I roll my eyes at Harry. And grab Nola's hand again.

"C'mon." I say and let her pull me to her room.

She lets go when we get inside and walks to her book bag getting out some paper. She turns back around and walks over to me.

"I drew something for Harry." She says giving it to me so that I could see." It's for his birthday. Do you think he'll like it?" She questions nibbling on her bottom lip, a habit she probably got from me knowing that's what I always do.

I look at the picture and its looks a like a drawing of two people holding hands and kissing.

"W-hats this." I ask clearing my throat in the end but it doesn't help much.

"That's Harry"she points to the taller figure" and that's you." She says smiling. I grin at her and look back at the paper smiling like a complete idiot might I add.

"Wow. It's beautiful." It kind of hurt to talk but I know Nola wants my feed back. And for a nine year old this is absolutely stunning. I don't know what to really think of it. I mean it's a drawing of her brother and I kissing. "Bunny, this is... it's amazing." I say leaning down to hug her and kiss her cheek.

"So you think he'll like it?" She ask. Looking up at me with her honey eyes. Some of her curls are in her face and I brush it away before saying

"He'll love it."

"I want to put a frame around it." She says her freckles glowing from the blush on her face.

"Sure. Ok." I nod. "I think I have the perfect size." I smile.


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