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I was in the kitchen fixing myself a cup of tea while I waited for Harry to come back down stairs. Louis is still in the living room. Well at least I thought he was until I heard a shout! It sounded like it came from Louis. I made sure to check that the tea wouldn't boil over before leaving my post. While the tea boils on the stove top I walk towards the stairs curiosity taking over me.

"I haven't had the time to talk to you. I'm sorry Lou. I've just been busy." A voice that sounded a lot like Harry. "I'll tell you all about it, but right now we should go down stairs before Zayn gets suspicious." He says. My brows scrunch and my heart drops a little.

Harry and Louis?

I walk back to the stove swiftly. Like I wasn't just eavesdropping. By then the water begin to really boil. I heard a shuffling behind me and I turn to see Louis and Harry walk in side by side. Their arms are brushing together and I can't help but frown. I shake my head a little.

No it can't be.

They can't be a thing... Right?

I can feel my throat tighten from the thought. But I put a smile on my face anyway. "Tea anyone?" I ask softly. If they were together I should be happy for them. Harry's my best friend and I should be happy that he's happy. Even if it is with someone else. Harry raised his hand his index, thumb and middle finger pointed straight, while the other two are balled gently in his palm and he takes a seat at the bar. I smile at the simple gesture.

Louis nods his head. "I'll have a cuppa" he says. I nod my head as the whistle blows on the kettle. I turn around and prepare three cups. Louis and Harry make small talk. They laugh and play around a little before I finally get sick of it. I wasn't paying attention until I felt scolding hot water on my hand.

"Fuck!" I shout. Waving my hand and cupping it. It hurts like hell. I don't turn around but I can feel his presence.

"Are you alright, Z?" He questions with panic in his voice.

My teeth were gritted as I responded. "Yeah, I'm fine." I turn on the cold water in the sink and place my hand under cautiously. I suck air in my mouth hissing at the pain then relief. "Just burnt myself" I mumble.

"Let me take a look." He reaches for my hand but I jerk it from him. It's his fault. If he wasn't shamelessly flirting with Louis behind my back this wouldn't have happened. I scoff at my jealous thoughts.

"Don't touch me." I say coldly.

I glance at him and he looks confused and slightly hurt. I turn away. "Zayn, what's wrong?" He asks concerned. "Did I do something?" He asks. "Because if I did.. I'm sorry. And I'll make it up to you whatever you want." He says.

You. I want you.

I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts. But it's true. I do want him. I always have. I just pushed it to the farthest part of my mind and convinced myself that I didn't want or like him that way. It's so much easier to be friends with someone if you pretend like you don't love them.

And when we almost kissed, I couldn't push those feelings back, no matter how much I tried.

"Zee?" He calls my came.  I blink and look at him but don't say anything.
"What's wrong? You just spaced out on me." A blush creeped on my face because I was thinking of how we almost kissed.

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