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"Harry." Zayn mumbles as I kiss his neck. "We should r-really.. Mmm. We should go." He stutters.

We are currently clad in our boxers, my arm is around his waist while I kiss him anywhere that I could reach. His arms are around my neck holding on to me. We had just gotten out of the shower and I just could not resist kissing my beautiful lovely boyfriend. I chuckle at him pulling away with my hands planted firmly on his hips.

"He'll be fine. He could wait a few minutes." I smirk and lean to kiss him again. He kisses back then pulls away taking his arm from around my neck and placing it on my chest pushing away.

"Yeah but I don't want to keep him waiting too long. Besides he waited long enough because someone couldn't keep their hands off in the shower." He raises his eyebrow. I smirk.

"I can't help it." I say pulling him to me and placing my hands on his bum. "You're so damn touchable." I kiss him on his cheek that reddens.

"Okay, okay." He says pushing away from me altogether. He walks over to my drawer and reaches in to pull out some sweats and a tee throwing them both at me and then picking out clothes for himself. "Maybe when I'm fully dressed, you'll keep your hands to yourself." He says.

"Oh, babe. That won't stop me from wanting to touch you." I laugh. "My hands just have a magnetic pull towards you." I walk over to him pretending like my hands are pulling me to him until they find his waist. He watches me over his back and I lean down to kiss his neck. His back pressed to my front.

"Harry." He chuckle softly.

"Yes, love?"

"Put some pants on." He says pulling out of my grip. I pout at him but he just laughs and pokes my lip to put it back in place.

"I'm trying to be all romantic and shit, Z." I say.

"No, you're trying to seduce me while your other best friend is upstairs. Actually, he's probably right there on the stairs listening to us right now." He says.

"Pft. No he's not." I laugh.

"Louis." he calls out. All of sudden I hear foot steps that sound like they're going up the stairs and then a thud.

"Ow." They say. I raise my eyebrow and walk over to the stairs opening the door. Lying on the stairs holding his knee is most defiantly the one and only Louis Tomlinson.

"What the hell, Lou?"

"Oh, hey Haz." He smiles at me like he wasn't just spying on us.

"How long have you been standing there spying on us." I ask with folded arms. Zayn comes next to me, fully clothed.

"Not long." He shrugs as if this was completely normal. I raise my brow. "What? I wanted to know if you guys actually showered together like I told you not to." He says. I shake my head.


"And from what I heard you have." He looks at me as if I betrayed him. I scrunch my eyebrows. "I'm disappointed. I expected more from you." He stands up and brushes off his pants. "Shame on you. Shame on you both." He says.

"Shame on us? You were just spying on us?" I scoff.

"Yeah, well... That doesn't matter. What really matters is that you Harry styles can not be trusted." He says turning to leave.

"Did you think we were going to have sex?" I ask. Louis stops walking and turns to us.

"I didn't think so, actually. Hoped, yeah." He says turning to leave again. I turn to look at Zayn and his face is red. I shake my head at Louis and proceed to get dress.

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