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"So.. Are you going to tell me the real reason you're here?" I ask Harry. He decided to spend the night. After dinner we washed up and he put Nola to bed. We watched a few episodes of Supernatural. (Dean Winchester is bae.. Sam is hot too though).

"What do you mean?" He's asks. I roll my eyes. I turn to him and hold my head up with my hand.

"I know you brought Nola here for a reason. And you brought her bags here which mean you would be staying a few days. Why?" He sighs pressing his two fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"My mum got a new boyfriend. And I just didn't want Nola around him. I-I don't even know him and I've never seen him before. I don't trust him. Not one bit especially how he looked at her. It was sickening." He said. "She can't be around him. I'll take her to see mum when that scumbag is gone, but until then, I know she's safe here."

"Oh. The new boyfriend bit." I say. I felt bad for Harry. There was always something going on with his mum. She was either always drunk or on some type of drugs. And she hung out with people she shouldn't. Harry and Nola always received the worst.

I remember when Harry walked in on one of his mums friend trying to touch Nola. She was about five years old. Of course she didn't know what was going on. It was a good thing Harry walked in when he did. Harry attacked him in a rage. He was beat pretty badly because at the time he hadn't exactly developed into the physique he has now. He was still going through puberty.

But luckily his mum came in time to stop it. That was the last time he saw that boyfriend but it wasn't the last time he would be in that predicament.

"Yeah." He sighs again.

"I'm so sorry Harry." I say bringing my hand up to his head of curls. I massage his head gently but he takes my hand from his head.

"I don't need sympathy Zayn." He grunts.

"Harry, I wasn't trying to pity you. I was apologizing because you should be able to go home and not have to spend the night here." I say sadly.

"I'm sorry zee." He scoots over to me wrapping his arms around me. "I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just very frustrated." He places his head on top of mine rubbing my arm. I look up at him.

"It's okay Harry." I smile.

"No it isn't Zayn. I should know you out of all people..." He begins. I turn over to face him.

"Harry it's alright" I laugh. "Im not upset with you or anything. I understand especially now that Nola is with you again." He sits up and pulls me to straddle him hugging me.

"You're a great friend Zayn." He says. I just smile hugging him back.

"Yeah, but so are you" I say. I pull back and look into his eyes. My breath hitches as it feels as if I was looking right into him. I couldn't move and I felt frozen staying in those green beauties. I can feel his hands resting on my waist. Tingles running all through my body. He's looking up at me his green eyes dilated. He starts to say something but then closes his mouth. I lean forward and so does he. Our noses brush together and his minty Colgate breath fans over my lips as I close my eyes.

They brush together slightly. I go to press his lips to mine but he turns his head a little kissing the part where my cheek meets my lips. I let out a breath. My heart beating fast. All of a sudden he lifts me off of him.

He doesn't say anything but turns on his side. My face flushed red and I felt really embarrassed. It feels as if Harry rejected me. Which he did. I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them. We sit in silence for a while until I speak.

"A-are you still watching." I whisper.

"No." He says lowly. I wait for him to say something else but he doesn't. I look over his back and the way his muscles press against his flawless skin. I lick my lips before turning to the TV.
The part where Sam in Dean are in the car at the end is on.



Are the last two things I hear before turning the TV off. I let out a sigh before facing opposite of Harry and laying down.

I can't believe Harry rejected me. This is exactly why I didn't want to be more then friends with him. When we first became friends I had the biggest crush on Harry. But I had come to the conclusion that it would be best if we stayed friends. I didn't want to loose what I had with Harry. He's my best friend.

I felt stinging in my eyes. I don't want to cry. That's all I've been doing for the past few weeks. I wipe my eyes trying to keep my sobs quiet. I pull the cover over my body and under my chin.

I can't help but think that I might be alone forever. First Nick now Harry, my best friend. If he couldn't love me for who I am then I doubt anyone else would.

A/n: poor zaynie ;(. Darn it Harry why won't you just tell him how you feel.

Hey peeps. Guess who's back back again. Zarry a back tell a friend. Yay. Hahahah.

Welp I hope you enjoyed it.

But guysssss. Zayn is so beautiful I can't even.

Thanks for reading ILY💙

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