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Nola still won't talk to me. Since she's been here, she would wake me up in the morning to make sure she'd been dropped off at school. But she didn't come this morning. I knew I was done for. My little sister hates me, and it breaks my heart. I just want her to forgive me for what I did.

You know, I try to protect her from everything. Other people, the monsters under her bed, the big scary word, but maybe I have to protected her from one of her greatest threats: me.

What if I get so mad that I end up lashing out and hitting her or something. It would crush me. I can't imagine me hurting her like that. I couldn't live with myself.

Or what about Zayn. Hurting him would hurt me. His pain is my pain and if I hurt him, emotionally or physically. It would kill me. They are the two most important people in my life. Then there is Louis, who's like a big brother to me and my mum, even though she didn't particularly raise me, she did give birth to me. And she is trying to become a better mother to Nola and I.

Zayn stirs beside me. I look down at him. His arms are wrapped around my waist. He snuggles closer to me. I smile at him and kiss his forehand. He begins to lazily run his fingers on my chest.

"G'morning beautiful." I say. He turns his head so that he's looking up at me.

"Morning Harry." He smiles.

He leans up to kiss me but I turn my head. "Morning breath babe." I explain when he pouts.

"I don't care. I happen to like kissing you. A lot." He says. His eyes are hooded and he still looks tired but beautiful none the less.

"Even if my breath smelled like onions?" I ask. He chuckles.

"Yes, Harry even if it smells like onions." I smile at him.

"Okay, I'm going to hold you up to that." I wink at him. Zayn smiles.

"Ok." He grins. "Can I have my kiss now?" I chuckle leaning down to kiss him. He grabs my face and deepens the kiss. He slips his tongue into my mouth.

"Mmm" I moan. I put my fingers through his hair and pull him closer to me. His hands run down my chest making me shiver. "Zayn." I moan once he starts kissing on my jaw to my neck.

I push him off me and catch his eyes. "We're going to be late.. " My breath is heavy. "If we don't stop this." Zayn rolls his eyes.

"Since when do you care about being late." He raises an eyebrow and sits up on one elbow.

"Since when do you not care about being late." I chuckle

"Since I started kissing you." He shrugs. I just smile in awe at him. He leans up and pecks me once more.
"C'mon." He gets up tugging me with him.

Zayn checks on Nola to make sure she's up and getting ready. We finally get dressed, of course not without major flirting between the two of us. I dropped Nola off at school. She still hadn't said anything to me. But she did lean up from the back to kiss mine and Zayn's cheek but that was it. She got out of the car and went into school after that.

Zayn and I made it to school. "So," Zayn starts when we pull up. I cut the engine and look at him.

"Yeah?" I question.

"In school.. Are we um... Can we let people know? I mean, I know I'm not like your boyfriend or whatever, and... I'm not trying to like pressure you or anything. I just..

I let him ramble on because it's really adorable. His cheeks are red from how embarrassed he is. "Zayn." I laugh. "It's fine. I don't care who knows." I lean over, bringing my hand up to pull him to me, to kiss him. "I don't mind telling people, or letting anyone know. Besides, I want everyone one to know that...that pretty face of yours, is all mine." I smirk taking his chin between my index and thumb.

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