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A/n: In case you're wondering what Justin looks like ;)


"So, you picking up Nola." Zayn asks. I glance at him from the drivers seat and nod my head before speaking.

"Yup." I say.



"Ok". Every since the almost kiss. Things have been just a little bit awkward. Even though I'm pretending that nothing happened there's still an elephant in the room that suggest that it did.

He clears his throat. "So. Um.. What are you doing this weekend?" He asks. I laugh.

"Well, I'm staying at yours for a bit." I say. "Well Nola and I." I glance at him and I see him nodding. "I might go to my mums house and just let Nola at least see her. Even if we don't stay.. And maybe if her stupid boyfriend isn't there we might stay a night." I say. I'm actually curios as to why he asked.
"Why? did you want to do something this weekend?" I ask.

"No. No I was just asking." He shakes his head chuckling. I smile at him.

"Ok" I nod my head biting my lip and smiling.

I stepped out of the car and closed the door. Leaning on it and crossing my arms. My mind started wondering to the boy in the car as it usually does when I'm alone or just anytime of the day.

I often thought about how beautiful he is. How smart he is. How lucky I am to have him in my life, even if it is just as a friend. I need him in my life and I can't ruin that because of my stupid feelings. I'm way past thinking they would disappear because I know they never will. But that doesn't mean I won't pretend they aren't there. Whatever it takes to keep him in my life.

A bunch of kids started to pile out of the grade school. I shake my head once before standing up straight uncrossing my arms. My eyes scanned through the crowd as I looked for brown curly hair. Multiple children ran towards me and pass me to their parents or caretakers. I was still searching the crowd until I found the brown skin freckled girl talking with another girl.

They looked deep in conversation, walking side by side smiling. Nola looks up and spots me. She smiles wider and looks over to her friend gesturing at me. Her friend nods before smiling back. They hug and the girl pecks Nola on the cheek before waving goodbye as Nola turns to approach the car. She speeds up into a sprint her ponytail swaying as she skipped.

Zayn gets out of the car and walks to my side. Nola smiles wider (if that's even possible) and she breaks into a full run. When she reaches us I open my arms wide and walk towards her but she runs past me straight into Zayns arms. I turn around frowning with an eyebrow raised. I run my tongue over my lip piercings.

I let out a scoff as Zayn hugs her back. Looking down at her laughing his tongue poking out his mouth. I couldn't help but smile at them.

She turns around smiling brightly at me. I shake my head at her.

"Why you little.." I say as I charge for her and grabbing her. I tickle her before hoisting her up and spinning her. Her laughter ringing in my ears. I sit her down and glare at her playfully. "Can I have a proper hug now?" I ask. She giggles before throwing her self at me and wrapping her arms around my torso. I wrap my arms around her and press a kiss to her forehead. I pull away. "Are you ready you little traitor?" I joke giving her a tap to her nose.

"Yup" she smiles. I open the car door for her and close it. I turn to see Zayn smiling at us. We both make it to our seats in the car. I put the key in the engine and turn it.

"How was school today?" I ask pulling off.

"It.. It was good." She says. I look through the the rear view mirror and see her looking out the window emotionless.

"Yeah? How so. What did you do today?"

"Oh, ya know fourth grade stuff" she says. I imagine she's shrugging. I raise an eyebrow.

"What kind of fourth grade stuff."

"Just stuff Harry." She says sounding annoyed.

"alright. Fine." I say letting it go.

"So Nola," Zayn begins. "Who was the girl? Is she a new friend of yours?" He asks. "I've never seen her before."

"Who? Nadine?" She questions. "Yes. She's a friend of mine." She says sounding happy.

"Oh. Cool." Zayn says. "How long have you've been friends?" He questions.

"I don't know. A while I guess." She says.

"Is she a good friend? What's she like?" Zayn questions.

"She's really nice. And sweet. We play together all the time. Sometimes she even brings me sweets that her mum makes." She says starting off really happy until the end. I figured it was because she misses mum.

"Hey Nola? How do you feel about seeing mum this weekend?" I ask flicking my view from the mirror to the road. I see a small smile on her face.

"I-I don't mind. Can we do that?" She asks timidly.

"Of course." I say. "We can definitely do that."

A/n: hey everybody. :)

How's every one?

Did you miss me?

Well I missed y'all. This isn't the best but it will do for now. Hopefully. :)

Ily 💙

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