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I get out the car locking it up after closing the door. I held the stuffed animal in my hand as I walked up to the door. I place a knock five times.

The door opens and I see my nan giving me a hard stare, one eyebrow raised. I give her an innocent smile, my dimple making an appearance. I go to speak but she holds up her hand.

"I don't want to hear the excuses. Besides, I'm not the one you have to explain it to." She says giving me a disappointed look. I nod.

" can I" i gesture asking to come in. She nods and move out the way.

"She's upstairs in her room." She says. "Though you might want to knock. She's at that age where privacy is important to her." She informs me. I nod giving her a smile of understanding.

I walk up the stairs very carefully. As if I could ruin something if I walk too fast or too hard. I stop in front of the door before knocking three times. I wait a minute but she doesn't say anything. I knock again.

"I'm not hungry mama." She says. It sounds like she's been crying. It breaks my heart because I might be the reason.

"Bunny.. Nola? It's me". I say. She doesn't respond. "I'm going to come in alright?" I say. Still nothing. I twist the nob slowly and open the door. She's laying on her stomach. Her thick curly brown hair all over the place. Her head is in between her folded arms. I tip toe over to her bed and sit besides her. She doesn't move or say anything. I sit the stuffed animal on the other side.

I begin to stoke her hair. I notice her packed bags over in the corner by the door. I sigh. I know she's disappointed in me. " I'm sorry bunny." I say. She suddenly sits up and I see her tear stained face before she immediately latches herself to me. I hug her back.

" I thought you weren't gonna come" she says. The words coming out nasally because of her stuffed up nose from crying.

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

"Because you didn't come last time, or the time before that" she says. Guilt immediately sets in. I pull her away from me before looking at her light brown eyes with specks of green in them. The light brown freckles on her face sparkling from her tears.I wipe the tears from her eyes and she sniffs looking at me.

"Oh babe I'm so sorry"I say. The last two times I was supposed to pick her up, mum was having trouble with things. She was either too drunk to function or she got a new boyfriend that I didn't trust around Nola. I didn't want to put her in danger. So I cancelled. "I'm here now and we can go home." I said kissing her forehead.

" i miss mummy." She says. "And I miss you." She looks down at her hands. "I want to live with you and mummy." She says looking up at me with hope. I sigh.

"Bunny" I begin. "It's really complicated right now." Her face drops. "How about this, in a little while, how about you come live with me." I say. Her eyes light up.

"And mummy?" She questions. I shake my head.

"No just me. When I finish school, I'll take you with me and you can stay with me."

"But what about mummy. I don't want her to be lonely and sad." She says frowning.

"Don't worry. Mummy will be fine. She won't be sad or lonely because we will always visit her, yeah?" She smiles brightly nodding. She hugs me again. And I hug her back. I reach over and pick up the animal and showing her.

"Look what I got you." I wave. She squeals before snatching the toy out of my hand and grinning at it madly. M

"Bunny" she yells. I laugh.

"Thought I'd bring you something that reminded me of you." I say. She admires the stuffed rabbit. "What will you name it?" She studies him for a minute.

"Rabbit" she decides. I chuckle.

"Okay Bunny and Rabbit".

She gets up. making her way to her bags trying to pick them up. She gives up on the really heavy one and settles for on she can actually carry. I laugh.

"C'mon girly." I go over to grab her other bags. And we head out the door.


After saying by to nan, Nola calls her MaMa, we are now in the car heading back home. I glance over at my 9 year old sister. She just looks out the window counting the trees that we pass. I smile at her.

When my dad left us when I was 5 or 6, my mum was devastated. She begin drinking a lot and mixing herself with the wrong crowd . When I was 7 she met Kay. He was the best thing that ever happens to her. He brought her out of her depression and self loathing and she was a new woman. She got pregnant with Nola when I was 8 Life was good and Kay even proposed. They got married and three years after Nola was born, Kay was shot and killed. Leaving my mother to go back to her old ways.

She begin neglecting Nola and I. Me being 11 had to find a way to raise my baby sister. It was tough. As we grew older Nola begin to grow uncomfortable in her own skin. Kay was black. Nola was the product of an interracial couple. Her hair was thick and curly and she hated it on top of that she had little flecks of freckles on her face. Some of the kids would make fund of her.

It pissed me off but I couldn't do anything about it. They were kids for crying out loud.

"Harry?" I glance at her. "Are we going to see Zayn?" She asks. Nola may have or may not have developed a crush on Zayn. I mean, can you blame her. He's fucking beautiful. I guess you can say, it runs in the family.
I laugh.

"Yeah, of course we are." I say.

"Can Zayn come live with us too." She asks.

"Um.. I don't think so bunny. I would have to ask him" I say glancing over at her. She looks at me with a wide smile, one of her bottom teeth missing. I chuckle at that. "Tell me about school and how have you been." I say

She begins to tell me about how school is going and about her life . I almost crashed the car when she mentioned a boyfriend. That's some scary shit.

We manger to make it home in one piece. Well at least physically. I'm still thinking about this possible boyfriend.

She gets out the car and makes her way to the front door.

"Bunny." I yell. "Wait for me okay." But she doesn't seem to listen because she's knocking on the door. I grab the last bag before I see the door open And someone who is definitely not my mum looking down at Nola. The way he looks at her sends chills down my spine and makes me shudder unintentionally. My jaw clenches and I drop all the bags before making my way to the porch.

"Well aren't you a pretty thing" I hear him say about to reach out and touch her.

"Lay one finger on her and it will be the last thing you ever touch" I say coming up behind her and pulling her back picking her up. I caught a glimpse of her face and she looked scared. I felt bad for putting her in this predicament. The disgusting man licks his lips still looking at her before he looks at me with an ugly smirk.

I don't remember him. He must be a new one.

"who the fuck are you?" He asks harshly.

My jaw clenches. "Don't swear in front of her." I say. He scoffs.

"I live here. I'm her son." I say irritated. That's when I notice his pants are undone. He movies out the way not even bothering to fix his pants. I huff.
"You know what? We're leaving." I say turning around with Nola still in my arms. He doesn't say anything just slams the door. "How would you like to see someone?" I asks.

"Who?" She questions.


A/n: Yooo these updates are on a roll. Turn up!


So you've met Bunny aka Nola. She's just the cutest.

Anne got herself a boy toy?

This picture is Nola. And idk why but it's showing as a video. That's weird.

Ily 💙 thanks for reading

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