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I've been trying to relive myself for the last fifteen minutes and it doesn't seem to be working. Beads of sweat drip down my forehead. I can't seem to get off. I hate when he does this to me. I always get so sexually frustrated around him.

He does this to me all the time and usually I can control myself but sometimes when it gets too bad, I have a hard time. This is one of those hard times. Why did he have to grab me like that. I know he didn't try to arouse me but I did get aroused.

And my dick has a mind of its own. It doesn't want to listen to me. I jerk a few more times before finally giving up. I need something else. Something more. I pull up my pants. It kind of hurts because my jeans are so tight. My hard on is pressed right against my jeans and its hurts. I need to do something. I go out the bathroom door not bothering to wash my hands.

It's so uncomfortable walking. I leave school and go to sit in my car. I pull out my phone.

To BC: Come outside to my car.

I rub my chin waiting on a response.

From BC: um.. I'm kinda in class.

I rolled my eyes.

To BC: like that's ever stopped you before ;)

I adjust my pants while I wait for a reply.

From BC: fine, I'll be out in a sec.

I grin biting my lip. Finally. I could get some relief.


"Woah dude!" He says as soon as he gets in the car. I roll my eyes. "No wonder you called me out here that looks like it hurts." I clench my jaw.

"Look I just need you ok." He smiles.

"What's in it for me." He asks. I groan.

"Look, are you gonna do it or not, because I have someone else waiting on speed dial." Which isn't exactly a lie but I don't want anyone else right now. When it comes to satisfaction he's as close as I can get. He's my best bet. His eyes widen and he shakes his head frowning.

"No! I will.. I just." He says. "Here" he reached his hand out and palms the bulge in my pants. I close my eyes at the feeling.

"O-okay. But no teasing." Is say unbuckling my pants, opening them up. I grab his hair and pull him down to my crotch. But he looks up at me.

"Here." He whispers "in the school parking lot." I smirk.

"What are you? Chicken?" I tease him.

He glares at me. I think he was trying to look angry but he couldn't. He was too cute for that. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Suddenly I feel warmth around my member and gasp lowly. He sucks as much as he can into his mouth wrapping his fingers around the rest of the base. I moan throwing my head back.

I pull on his hair thrusting up into his mouth. Just seeing his jet black hair bobbing up and down gets me off. My nostrils flare and I keep pounding into his mouth until I release. He swallows all of it and pulls back to look at me, as if to ask how he did. His lips are swollen and red. I lick my lips closing my eyes.

Blindly I reach into my arm rest and pull out an already rolled joint that i did this morning and a lighter. I usually roll them before school than smoke them after. I light the joint between my teeth.

I pull it out my mouth before blowing smoke out of my mouth. I open my eyes and look over at Justin. He's staring at me intently as if he's in awe. I offer him the joint but he shakes his head.

"Coach would flip if he found out. And they make us do random drug test. I don't want to be kicked off the team." He states. I nod in understanding.

I get out of the car, not caring that I'm basically nude and walk to the back seat. I get in an motion for him to follow me. He quickly unlocks the door and rushes to the back seat. Once he gets in and closed the door I begin to take his shirt off. He lets me, lifting his arms and wiggling a bit. Next are his pants and underwear at the same time. Once that's off I grab his hips and swing him over to me so that he's sitting on my lap. And begins round two.

A/n: I thought that you guys should have a double update since I've been such a shitty person. I don't know I just came up with this one.


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