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Dedicated to zarryslaying  💙

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Dedicated to zarryslaying 💙


I watched Harry as he slept. He looked so beautiful. Last night was a break through, he kissed back! He actually kissed back! Granted he thought I was Zayn, but he still did it. I traced the tattoos on his chest. I waited a while just watching him sleep peacefully.

I wanted to remain in this calm manner before I went further with my plan. I picked up his phone and used his thumb to open it. I went to his contacts and searched for a number. I roll my eyes because I already know who baby is.

To My Baby 😘😍😏: Zayn, I'm sorry for last night. Please talk to me. Come over.

I waited for the response. I know harry fucked something up with Zayn. It was obviously more than just about me. But I don't care. I'm going to ruin them. There will be no more Zayn and Harry. His phone pings and I smile.

From My Baby 😘😍😏: why don't you come here? You're the one who turned me down.

To My Baby 😘😍😏: I have a surprise for you. You know I would come to you otherwise.

I wanted to barf. It was gross texting him like this. But I do have a surprise for him. Although I really wanted to send the video of me riding his boyfriend till he passed out, I wanted to see the look on his face when he found me in bed instead. And send the pictures and videos later to hunt the fucker.

From Baby 😘😍😏: Ok, but You're lucky I love you. And it better be a good surprise.

I roll my eyes. He's so pathetic. I snuggled back up to Harry and just waited for Zayn to come. I can't wait. When Zayn leaves Harry, he won't have a choice but to come back to me. I'll fix him up, and he'll love me instead. Just me and him, no one else. He would love me like he loves him. I'll make sure of it.

Zayn doesn't live far from Harry so I wasn't surprised at how quick he showed up. He spoke as he came down the stairs.

"Hey Harry, your mum let. me. in." He spoke slowly as he looked at me and Harry. My arm was wrapped around him and I didn't even bother to cover our naked bodies. I wanted Zayn to see all of it. He stood there for a moment taking everything in. I smirked in triumph. "H-h-ha." He couldn't even speak. My god he's so pathetic. I roll my eyes at the idiot.

"Are you surprised?" I aks him. He doesn't say anything he just looks away, no doubt trying not to cry. "You shouldn't be, I told you Zayn. Harry loves me. You could and never would be enough for him." Suddenly he looked up at me with an emotionless look on his face. He was stunned. He didn't look hurt, or betrayed but instead he looked... Empty? He moves over to the bed and I sit up grabbing Harry's hand. But he pays no mind to me and instead slaps Harry, extremely hard in his face.

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