CHAPTER 13: We'll Take It!

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The next week flew by in a haze of motor tests, gossip, oil changes, gossip, checking the rig, gossip, packing Zander’s bikes for his race, more gossip, hysterics and finally prom dress shopping.  Since the word was out, there was no need for me to be secretive about anything anymore.  Everyone in town was practically abuzz with Zander and my newfound relationship.  And my mother, who was friends with Aunt Dena, and Olive’s mother had heard through the grape vine about Zander’s budding romance and mine.  The cat was out of the bag, the dog was on the loose, and no matter how you paced it, everybody in town knew about Zander and I.

Surprisingly, my mother had taken it very well.  Apparently she had known that it would happen all along.  After I said farewell to Zander I was stuck listening to my mother about how prom was coming up in two and a half weeks, and how it was one of the most “important” nights of a young woman’s life.  I snorted when she told me this, and so had Zander when I told him about it.  She also mentioned, a few times, about how we needed to find the dress as soon as possible. 

 And that was the reason why I was perched on a crème colored leather couch in the savviest boutique in town, going through the newest DirtRider Magazine, with little to no interest in a dress.  Katie, Lainey, and Aunt Dena had all volunteered to join my mother and I on my special prom dress outfit outing.  Considering how long I had been at the shop already, I was itching to look at anything other than another pair strappy black heels, or another mermaid gown.  I longed for the scent of the forest as it flew by me, but by the looks of it, I wasn’t going to be able to escape anytime soon. 

“Hey, I think I’m going to take a minute outside.”  I called out into the store.  Simultaneously four heads all turned back to peek from various rows around the store. 

“Honey, the sooner we find you a dress, the sooner you can jump on a bike.”  I looked at my mother and nodded.

“Fine, but I’m just going to make a phone call.”  I said irritably.

“Tell Zander to kick ass on his next race.”  Called Lainey from behind a remarkably large princess gown.

“Will do, and I will never wear that dress.”  I said and her face fell in mock sadness.

I called Zander, hoping that he wasn’t racing at the moment.  If there was anyone I could talk to about the perils of dress shopping, it was Zander.  On the third ring he picked up with a cheerful howl.

“Rory, I’ve missed you, how’s your day going?”  He asked, and I could practically hear him smiling over the phone.  I don’t think I would ever get over how happy he made me feel by just saying my name.

“It’s pretty crazy, I’m dress shopping with our moms and your sisters… okay in all honesty I’m going absolutely nuts.”

His laughter cut through the phone and I joined in. 

“I know how much you hate this kind of thing, but you never went to junior prom, so I think you might as well enjoy as much of this as possible.  And don’t forget that I have to go get fitted too.  So you’re not the only one whose going to be tortured here.”

I smiled in spite of my relatively bad mood.  He was right after all.  How many times did one get to go to prom with the most handsome, smart and talented boy in the school?

“You’re right Zander, it’s only one night… we might as well make it memorable right?”

“That’s what I like to hear Ror!  Hey my race is going to start in twenty, and I still have to check the bike… I’ll call you when I finish.”

“Sounds good love, and do me a favor will you?”

“Anything.”  Said Zander.

“Win it for me.”  I heard him chuckle.

“I’ll give it my best.”

“Love you Zander.”

“I love you more.”  Zander said softly, speaking directly to my soul.

 After he had hung up I went back into the boutique with newfound purpose.  If I was going to go to prom with the most gorgeous boy in school, I might as well have the most amazing dress of the night.  It wasn’t long before Katie came running out of one of the isles with the most bewildering and smug look across her face. 

“I’ve found it.”  She said.  My only response was to stare at her in absolute confusion. 

“What?”  And that’s when she held up the dress.  It was a masterpiece.  The top half was in cheetah print and had a sweetheart neckline, from the cheetah print top, it fell gracefully down in a pool of the deepest black satin.  I shook my head in disbelief.

“It’s beautiful.”  I said as I made my way towards Katie, whose eyes were curiously watery. 

“Come on, try it on.”  She said as the rest of the members of our prom party filtered out onto the dressing room couches.  I walked into the unfamiliar dressing room, taking care not to ruin the dress that was now hanging perfectly upon its hanger.  When I had finally managed to throw the dress on, I turned to look in the full-length mirror.  Lainey had handed me some black heels to match up with my outfit which made the dress sweep elegantly off of the floor. 

The dress was flawless. 

It was perfection, and even I had a hard time taking my eyes off of it.  I shook the hair off my shoulders and pulled it up into a quick bun.  And then I stepped out of the dressing room.

Katie, Lainey, Aunt Dena and my Mom said absolutely nothing as I stood there, in plain sight.  And then the waterworks began, my mom first, then Aunt Dena and Katie.

“Please stop.  Don’t cry… please guys.”

“It’s… just… it’s… that… you… look… so… beautiful.”  My mom stuttered while she grabbed some tissue and dabbed at her wet eyes.  Lainey stood up and hugged me, muttering things that I couldn’t quite understand.  I hugged her back with all of my might then turned back towards the mirror to glance at my reflection.  My Mom and Aunt Dena walked up behind me as I smoothed out the satin of the long black skirt.  Since when had I become girly, since when had I started to like the feel of a satin dress against my skin?  Well I guess the answer was… right about now. 

“You look stunning.”  Said Aunt Dena.  I smiled back at her through the mirror, and then looked at my mother.

“Do you think Zander will like it?”  I questioned aloud. 

“If he doesn’t, then there’s something seriously wrong with him.”  Said Lainey with a smile.  Well then, I thought to myself.

“We’ll take it!”

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