"Welcome home Alice." Lorina smiled. "I see you brought all your boyfriends over." Lorina winked at Alice. Peter took it very personally, think Lorina was talking only about him. George finally joined in on the teasing.

"Look, you all can't take Alice away from us so soon. She still needs to finish school," George teased Alice and messed up her hair. He was like an annoying father that Alice did not appreciate in any way. Vivaldi stood next to Alice and wrapped her arm around Alice's.

"Actually, I want Alice to move into my place," Vivaldi flat out told them. George looked over to Vivaldi and his heart skip a beat. His eyes were in love with her body and his mouth began to drool. Vivaldi took advantage of this and blew him a kiss. He almost passed out. Lorina looked over to see her husband looking at another women.

"George! How dare you!" Lorina scolded. George seemed to forget all about the vows he had promised Lorina.

"Well, I can't help that she is way prettier than you!" he drooled. Lorina had had enough of these people. She walked over to her husband and wrapped her arms around him, trying to being him back into reality.

"Alice, who are these people?" Lorina growled. Alice knew her sister was pissed and wanted them to leave, but she stood her ground.

"Let me introduce you to Vivaldi, Peter, Ace, Boris, Pierce, and Mr. Gowland. Outside with Edith are Brett, Elliot, Dee, and Dum," Alice responded. Lorina went to the window and saw Edith talking to the four men.

"You left four strangers alone with Edith!" Lorina worried. They weren't strangers. They all went to the same school. Lorina was just trying to make it a big deal, as usually.

"Calm down. They aren't going to hurt Edith or anything," Alice reassured her older sister who was having some sort of panic attack. George wasn't helping at all. Ace laughed at Alice comment.

"You want to bet on that?" Ace laughed. Peter hit him in the side. Ace stopped, realizing he had said it out loud.

"Back to the topic of why I am here, I have decided to take Alice home with me. She'll be happy there," Vivaldi stated. George stopped looking at Vivaldi and turned to Alice with a concerned face.

"Alice, are you not happy here?" George asked? Alice knew what he was trying to do. As much as Alice hated it, George knew that Alice use to have a crush on him. In fact, when he wanted something done, he would flirt his way into making Alice do it. Sometimes it would work, but Alice finally caught on. She was not comfortable in this environment and she knew she was not wanted.

"You two tease me all the time like I am your own child, which I am not. Have I ever looked happy here? Open your eyes and stop focusing on yourselves for once. This place is one big... Nightmare..." The word slipped out. Nightmare. Alice remembered how he was not with Alice right now and all the terrible things he had done to Alice when she was younger. He made her friends into people from Wonderland. He was the reason George looked like Blood. This was all his fault. But Alice couldn't hate him for some reason. She missed him so. She had a lump in her room throat, and tried not to cry. All Alice could do was point to the wonderful group "These are the only people that make me happy and feel alive."

"She pointed at me," Peter leaned in and told Vivaldi, who rolled her eyes. Lorina ran up to Alice and embraced her.

"Alice, I know it's been hard since mother and father passed away. It's been hard on us sisters..." Lorina tried to comfort Alice. Alice shrugged her off.

"You don't know how I feel. You're finally married Lorina. You have the life you've always dreamed of. Now, you're just waiting for me and Edith to get out of your perfect life so you can start a family of your own. I was happy with my old life when we use to go on picnics and play cards..." Alice confessed. Ace put his hands on her shoulders. Alice turned around, letting her head rest on his chest.

Back to Wonderland (Heart no kuni no Alice fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें