Looks Can Be Magic, Sam Winchester

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Someone requested a Hogwarts AU awhile ago and I just finished the series so leT'S GIVE IT A GO

Also, thank you to everyone who sent me feel better wishes, you're all so sweet (/ u3u)


With the swish of robes, Sam Winchester turned the corner of the hall to escape a crowd of third years, who were giggling about his "exotic accent".

As he made his way to Charms, he dwelled on why all this British girls were so crazy about his American accent. He must be the only American in this school. Besides,

He didn't even like girls anyway.

"Everyone, please take your seats!" the small professor squeaked.

Sam positioned himself next to his two best friends, Jo Harvelle and Charlie Bradbury. Their fellow Ravenclaws, with the Hufflepuffs at the other end of room, chattered amongst themselves.

"Today, we will be practicing the Accio Summoning Charm again-" he squealed as the kids all groaned "This is a very important charm, and while you're all in your 5th year, some of us still haven't mastered it-" He broke off and looked at the Hufflepuff twins, Gabriel and Balthazar (I just love making them twins, I don't know what it is).

Sam craned his neck to get a better look at his honey coloured eyes and his matching hair color. Gabriel and his twin could almost match those Gryffindor twins' mischievousness.

"Novaks, pay attention!" He squealed, and the twins stopped their game of Exploding Snap temporarily.

As the Professor continued to talk both about how others could improve their current charm skills, and how the class will be learning how to perform spells without speech, Sam stared gleefully at Gabriel, who was no longer paying attention to the lesson. 

"Everyone grab a group of 2 - 3 and grab a cushion from the box!" He wobbled a bit on the stack of books he was on, but tapped the box with his wand. Charlie and Jo made their way to the box to grab pillows, and Charlie went to ask about her very poor grades. However, someone dressed in canary yellow slid next to him, almost gliding into Jo's previously empty seat.


"Winchester."  Gabriel purred out into Sam's ear, making the small hairs on the back of his stand straight up, as his dick almost did.

"G-Gabriel..." Sam sat straight up and every muscle tensed as Gabriel put his hand on Sam's thigh and started moving it up and down his leg.

"So, Hogsmeade? You, me..." The words slid out of his mouth smoothly, as if they were sliding on a bed of meringue out into his own ears.

"D-Doing w-what?" His cheeks were aflame, and it seemed like an eternity ago that his two best friends had gotten up and left him alone in the seats.

"Whatever you want, pretty boy."  He cooed, ever so slowly moving his hand up to his dick, his hand hovering over the spot where the Winchester's erection was ever so shamelessly visible. 

"Okay...!" He managed to squeak out as Gabriel smirked. The light caught his eye, and the rainbow that contrasted with his honey eyes almost made them comparable to light hitting a glass of caramel whiskey. 

"Novak, to your seat!" The professor squeaked loudly.

"Sorry, Flitwick." He stood and put his hands up in a plea of innocence as Professor Flitwick just glared at him.


"Wow what?" He looked up as Charlie and Jo stared at him, both with identical curiosity in their eyes.

I have explaining to do, Sam thought, as he caught Gabriel's eye, who was pretending to stick his wand in and out of his mouth and waggling his eyebrows.



Sorry it's so short, but there will be more updates, seeing as I've gotten motivation to actually write.


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