Candy Man

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OoOooh another one (that could escalate into smut). Well, here we go!!
"Hey Sam, I got an idea!" Gabe yelled, bouncing over to his boyfriend, who was seated on the couch opposite him.

"What would that be?" Sam had his laptop balanced on his legs, with him sitting pretzel-style. Gabe sat down next to him, also with his laptop.

"Whatcha doing?" Gabe asked, his eyes bright. He pushed his glasses up onto his face.

"Law stuff," Sam replied, his nose never leaving his work. "Did you get the idea from Tumblr?"

"Yes, but that's not important," Gabe scoffed, excited. "Wanna try it?"

"I gotta get my work done," Sam pinched the bridge of his nose worredly.

Gabe huffed, and rose, taking his laptop with him. He set it on the kitchen table, along with his glasses. He rummaged through the drawers and cabinets. He found the snack he was looking for: M&Ms. He shoved a handful of the colorful candy into his mouth, then stomped towards Sam's seat. He sat down next to Sam, and placed his finger under Sam's chin. He turned the Winchester's head, and caught him in an open-mouthed kiss. Sam's eyes went wide, then fluttered shut. He placed his laptop on the coffee table, and shifted, placing his hands on Gabe's hips. They pulled away, the taste of chocolate still on both of their lips.

"That was your idea?" Sam asked, dumbfounded. Gabe nodded slowly before stuffing his face with more candy. "Best idea ever," He replied, before he dove in for another open mouthed kiss.


Sam forced Gabe down, so he was laying on top. He kept a firm grip on Gabe's hips, letting their tongues dance in the chocolate. Gabes' hand moved to Sam's ass. He gave it a squeeze, before forcing Sam down, while he simultaneously ground up. Sam moaned through the kiss, sending vibrations through Gabe. His eyes rolled back from pleasure. It racked through his body. Sam sat them up, with Gabe's legs wrapped around his waist. Sam broke the kiss, only to get Gabe's Doctor Who shirt off. He resumed the kiss, which still had a lingering taste of the candy. Gabe began unbuttoning Sam's flannel, showing off his rippled torso. Gabe traced Sam's v-line with a singular finger, making the muscles tense and flex. Sam played down again, giving Gabe full control, for once. He fumbled with Sam's belt buckle, pulling his pants down-

"Surprise Sammy - OHMYGOD!! CAS BACK UP!"

"I do not understand Dean."


So, how are all of you?

My Birthday is in two days (The 5th)


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