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This is short, but the ending A/N is pretty important.

Nerd!Gabe Punk!Sam
Gabriel pushed his glasses farther on his head with his middle finger, as his short frame wandered to third period. He was so tired. From his siblings, school work, anxiety, everything.

"Hey, it's the nerd!" Crowley yelled. Gabriel hated all of Crowley's damn rolls of fat. He kept walking faster. Biology was around the corner...

"Where ya going, big mouth?" Alistair stepped out the corner, as he watched students file into Mrs. Noble's honors Biology class. Damn

"Going to class," Gabriel replied bluntly.

"Not now you little shìt," Meg replied, stepping out from the shadows, or wherever the fuck she lived, "Hey Gabey Baby," She cooes, rubbing her little baby bump. She's so friggin gross.

"Let me go to class-"

"HEY!" A deep growl echoed through the hallway, and their walked the notorious Sam Winchester, barreling down the end of the hall, obviously pissed. Kids moved out of the way, making a large path for the 6' Winchester.

He had only his lip ring in, and he was light with the eye liner. He had on an Avenged Sevenfold shirt, and ripped, black skinny jeans. His black combat boots scraped against the floor, and Meg looked terrified. Kids backed out of the way, then made a small circle around the quartet.

"S-Sam!" She twirled her hair, batting her eyelashes.

"What the hell did I say about hurting this cute nerd?!" He shouted, coming to a halt in front of Meg, towering over her.

"He abuses the gift of gab," Crowley speaks up.

"And you abuse the gift of fast food," Sam replies, turning to him, "I mean c'mon, the only exercise you do is run your mouth," he turns back around. Kids yell out and pump their fists, and Crowley shrunk back.

"Meg, you better cool screwing with Gabe," He coolly shoots back.

"He doesn't know how to shut up."

"And you don't know how to keep your legs closed," Sam begins to see red, because nobody messes with his little dork. Kids screamed louder, and more moved to the edges of the circle.

"You all could end up working for him, considering he is more intelligent," Sam replied, biting his lip ring.

Now's my chance.

"But Sam, I don't wanna run a prostitution ring," Gabriel spoke up quietly. Sam turned around, impression etched on his face. Some kids clapped in amazement and surprise.

"Cute and fiesty? DAYUM." He replies, locking eyes with Gabriel. The sunlight rocketed through the window, peeking into Sam's eyes. It tinted his chocolate eyes just about every color in the visible spectrum. He turned around, and Gabriel was thankful he didn't melt on the spot.

"Anyways," Sam replied, clapping his hands together once. He glanced around at all three of the bullies, "long story short, Crowley, Alistair," He turned to them, "Get a damn education. Pay attention, try to increase your IQ,"

"And Meg," Sam turned to her, gesturing to her body, "try not to have another kid before the school year ends,"

"Cmon, let's get out of here," Meg replied. She hustled towards the front door, Crowley and Alistair dropping Gabriel to the ground. He pushed his glasses up as he watched them file out the front door. The Kidd that once made the circle now shuffled around for their classes

"You OK?" Sam asked, now brandishing a soft tone of voice. Sam offered to help up Gabriel, and Gabriel got red when he took Sam's hand.

"Want me to drop you off at your class?" Sam asked, in a thoughtful tone, "I'll explain why you were late,"

"S-sure," Gabriel stutters out, he stares down at Sam's hand.

He never let go of my hand.

So, Sam and Gabriel made their way down the hall, never even once thinking of letting go of the other.
A/N: Okay, two things:

1. I have three completed one shot drafts saved (I think), so I'll post them eventually.

2. I'm starting yet another fanfiction, but I won't be posting that until I have the whole thing written out. So when you'll be reading a prologue, I'll know how it ends. I have the first three chapters done. With persuasion, I might be convinced to release it early....

~Nikki the stressed out moron

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