Chapter 1. Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place.

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Mary POV. ~*~*~*~Edited~*~*~*~

Dumbledore is taking me to somewhere called Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. I'm not sure why though, he wouldn't let me stay with my friend Isabella. I am worried about my mum though, she's been missing for about a week, no one's seen or heard from her. Dumbledore said that I shouldn't worry too much, but I can't help the feeling that something really bad happened to her.

Anyway, Dumbledore is taking me to London, he says that's where the place I'll be staying is. "Professor Dumbledore?" I asked as we came to a halt in front of two buildings, number 11 and number 13 Grimmauld Place. "Yes Miss Dragonwood?" He replied. "Where's Number Twelve?" I asked him as I pointed to where it should have been.

Dumbledore chuckled. "Read this paper." He said showing me a small bit of parchment. It read:
The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.

"What's the Order of the Phoenix?" I asked. "Not here." He whispered and he brought out his wand and set the parchment on fire. He then brought out this strange lighter thing and pressed it. One of the street lights want out and then another, Dumbledore kept pressing the lighter till at the street lights were out. So we were now standing in the dark, it was 6:30 at night, and it was cold.

There was a loud bang somewhere in front of me, then there was a light in front of me. "Come inside." Dumbledore said. Now that there was light I could see again, I saw that the light was coming from Dumbledore's wand and he was standing next to a gate in a fence. And behind him stood a door with the numbers 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Come along, Miss Dragonwood." He said to me kimdly. I walked to the gate and went though it, Dumbledore closed the gate behind him, then I moved over so that he could go in front of me again, he did so and knocked on the door 4 times.
The door opened and someone's face peeked though the small gap.

They said something to Dumbledore and he said something back, they were careful to not get loud enough for me to hear. After about a minute the door opened all the way and Dumbledore walked though, the parson who had opened the door waited for me to get inside then closed the door.

I followed Dumbledore in to a room that appeared to be the dining room. There was at least 20 people in here. "Mary this is the Order of the Phoenix. Everyone this is Mary Dragonwood. She will be staying here till school starts. Why don't you all introduce yourself's" Dumbledore said and he walked in to another room.

"I'm Tonks! Nice to meet you!" A witch with bubblegum- pink hair told me brightly. "I'm Molly Weasley, you may know my daughter Ginny, she's in Gryffindor." Said a redheaded witch who smiled at me, I smiled back. "I do know Ginny, we talk sometimes in the hallway in between class's. It's so nice to meet you!" I told Mrs. Weasley. "I'm Remus Lupin, you may remember me from your 1st year at Hogwarts, I was your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Said Professor Lupin.

"Of course I remember you! You were my first Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and by far the best DADA  Professor that Hogwarts has ever had!" I said smiling widely, Professor Lupin returned the smile.  They all introduced themselves and told me about the Order, they also told me about how they think my mum was taken by Death Eaters, they tried telling me more but Mrs. Weasley told them that they couldn't tell me anymore.

"Where do you think Dumbledore is? And where's Sirius?" A man by the name Kingsley asked Tonks. "Not sure. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Sirius since before Mary got here." She replied. "Who's Sirius?" I asked. "He's the one who owns this house. I think you'll know who he is soon enough." Tonks told me, she nodded her head toward the door Dumbledore had gone through.

Dumbledore and a man with massy black hair that fell to his shoulders came in behind him, the man was looking down like he was in deep thought, he walked over to a chair next to Lupin, and sat down, when the man looked up I could see his face.

He had dark shadows under his eyes, like he hadn't had a good sleep in a while, and I could tell that he once must have looked very handsome, but Azkaban had done a lot to him. I realized that the man in front of me was the guy that had broken out of Azkaban in my 2nd year. It was Sirius Black. I stood up so fast that the chair I was siting on fell over.

Everyone was watching me very carefully now. "S- S- Sirius B- Black... How?" I asked looking at Dumbledore. He saw the scared look on my face and said. "Mary, it's alright. Sirius won't hurt you, he didn't do the things you think he did. Don't be afraid of him."

"Don't...? Don't be afraid of him?! He's a murderer! He- he killed Harry Potter's parents! Lily and James were his friends! And he killed them! They trusted him! Lily and James Potter lost their lives because- because of this madman! And you tell me don't be afraid of him?!" I shouted, I had tears pouring down my face now, I'm not sure why though. 

Everyone was starring at Dumbledore and I now. "Mary. He did not kill anyone. Now please calm down and I will explain everything. I know this is a lot to take in and I know part of your anger is because your upset with your mother. But please sit down and I will help you understand." Dumbledore told me. "No... I- I- I want to go home. Now. Please Professor! I'll- I'll stay at my friend Isabella's house." I begged him.

"I'm sorry Mary, but you have to stay here." He told me sadly. I just stared at him. I fixed my chair and sat in it, I looked at the table in front of me and my eyes unfocused. "I'll take it that you'll listen. Alright." I heard Dumbledore say, then he started telling me about how Sirius was framed.

After he was done, he waited for me to say something. "I believe you" I whispered, Dumbledore nodded. I looked up and saw that Sirius was starring at me as though I was someone else. "Why are you starring at me like that?" I asked him uneasy as I looked up.

"You look like someone I used to know." He told me. He was still not blinking at me. "Mary? Who are your parents?" He asked me. "Uhhhh. My mum is Lucy Dragonwood. And I don't know who my father is." I told him, and his eyes widened.

"What?" I asked confused. I still was not happy about being in the same house as him. "N- nothing." he said. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Remus, can I speak with you a minute" Sirius asked his voice a little higher then before. "Sure." And with that, they both left the room.

"Mary, would you mind helping me finish dinner?" Mrs. Weasley asked. "Sure!" I said and went to help her.

~~~~~dinner is made~~~~~~

Mrs. Weasley and I just put dinner are the table and now everyone that was upstairs was coming into the room.
In came two people I knew from they're habit of pranking Ravenclaw's, Fred and George Weasley. "Hiya Mary!" "Mum said that you would be staying here till school starts, and we have something to show you later, that we think well you met like." Fred then George told me.

"Okay." I said. Ginny came in next with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. "Hello, Mary! You will be staying with me and Hermione in our room." Ginny said to me smiling. "Hello, I'm Hermione Granger and, you are?" Hermione said to me with a small smile.

"Nice to meet ya Hermione! I'm Mary Dragonwood, I'm a 3rd year Ravenclaw." I told her. We all sat down next to each other, and started talking, then Tonks came over and started changing her nose.

After everyone was done eating Mrs. Weasley said that it was time for bed, Tonks was staying over tonight, so we girls decided that we would have a sleepover.

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