Forget Him

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A/N: song and lyrics attached are good for this chap👌 listen to Jungkook's cover "Nothing Like Us" and "House of Cards" by BTS f you want as well ;P (there's a reference to the song "House of Cards"  later on in the chap) another song you can listen to is "Butterfly" by BTS. There's a reference to butterflies later on soo yeaa

Anyway, enjoy!


{Authors POV}

A terrible thing has happened.

It's not too shocking, but there were tears shed on this day.

The day BTS had their final concert- and the day Jimin collapsed in front of thousands of people.

Everyone told him not to, but he wouldn't listen. He kept telling everyone he was better and could dance. Even the fans suggested not to- well, some of them did.

Most encouraged Jimin to get back up on that stage and perform like its his first. And so he did- which was an obvious wrong decision.

He knew he shouldn't have, but the feeling of being back on that stage was so tempting- so alluring that he just had to, even if it costed his own life.

Performing was something he loved to do and never being able to perform again was something that was secretly killing him on the inside. Of course he showed his eye smile to everyone and acted as if nothing was wrong, though.

But, on the inside, he was dying. He can feel his insides turning rotten at the thought of never being able to do what he loved. Because of his idiocy, in mid dance, he collapsed. His eyes rolled in the back of his head and a blood curdling scream escaped his lips as he felt his spine twinge; a large and almost snapping of a noise echoed through the entire crowd of people. The music continued and even though bts was trained to continue dancing- even if a member had gone ill- they still dropped what they were doing and ran to Jimin's side. Jimin kept screaming and to avoid the fans any more panic, Yoongi removed the mic that was strapped to the side of Jimin's cheek.

"Jimin tell us what's happening", Jungkook asks frantically and a scream from Jimin was heard in response.

"I can't move- My back- it hurts", Jimin screams in rapid breaths and even though the mic was taken off, the fans could still hear his cries. Staff from the back of the stage rush out of the sides, carrying first aid and other essentials.

"Jimin stop trying to move you'll make it worse", Namjoon says hurriedly and he looks over to see the security filing the fans out of the concert.

As everyone runs around Jimin to help support him, Jimin himself begins to slowly come to a halt. His eyes dilating in fear and shock.

He can't scream, and he can barely swallow.

"Jimin what's wrong?" A staff intervenes and everyone looks at him with wide eyes. They noticed his silence and noticed how he has suddenly calmed down too much.

"Jimin... You've worked yourself too hard."


Bangtan is now broken up. They no longer perform or make music and no longer stay in contact that much due to finding different paths.

Mainly they're still performers in some way, shape, or form. The only one that hasn't been able to do any of the above, is Jimin.

He's paralyzed once again. This time he will take more time to heal and has a less chance of a recovery if he were to even somehow heal once again.

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