Help Those In Need

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{Authors POV}

All he could think about was JooSoo as he sat in the back of the bus. He remembered her eyes as they turned away from the retreating bus, fear registering and regret showing on her facial expression.

What could she possibly fear? What could she possibly regret?

Yoongi sits uncomfortably in his seat as the continuous emotion of unsettlement plays in his gut. He grits his teeth at the uncomfortable feeling and he sighs as he glances at the headphones that he would normally plug into his ears.

But, he can't have music distracting him right now. All he knows is that this bad feeling isn't sitting well with him.

He likes to believe that his bad feelings are right. He's recalled way too many times of him having this same bad feeling and having it turn out to be true. He doesn't want to delve too much into it, but he can't help but bite the inside of his cheek in worry.

This action causes him to freeze in surprise- stopping right as he bites his inner cheek. He's never really worried about others before (besides his parents of course). It begins to irk him and he leans back in his seat while crossing his arms over his chest. He frowns, not wanting to become too attached to this girl.

He's heard what it's like to become too attached and frankly, he's experienced the parting of a loved one that he became too emotionally involved with.

His grandfather passed away when he was young- due to kidney failure. At the time, his grandfather only had one kidney. He gave up one of his own to a dear friend of his, and now one of his own was failing.

Yoongi still remembers the day as if it were yesterday and his forehead creases at the memory.

It's not like he blames himself for his grandfather's death, even though he did at one point of his life. But as he grew older, he came to realize that he was too young to give up his own kidney and that there was nothing more he could have done. The hospital, at the time, didn't have any kidney's available for the stubborn eighty nine year old man and Yoongi's kidney was the only one compatible with his grandfathers'.

Alas, he was too young, and his grandfather passed away... But, at least his grandpa had died with a smile on his face.

Yoongi feels a little proud to know that it was him who had caused his grandfather to smile in his remaining minutes- that he had caused him to be happy in those lasting moments.

Yoongi had told his grandpa that he wanted to be just like him when he grew up- a charming, sarcastic, adventurous, and happy man. He told his grandfather how much he dreamed to be like him and to live his days to the fullest, just like his grandfather.

Of course the old man smiled at this and gave him a half-hearted pat on the head (that was all he could manage at the time), and gave Yoongi one of his warming smiles.

"I see a wonderful future ahead of you.. I already know that you will be adored and loved so much..", he coughs quickly and adds, "Just remember, Yoongi, to treat others kindly, because someday they might just return that favor", his grandfather had said to him with a shaky smile and a small wheeze.

"You'll grow up to be a wonderful man and I know you will have adoration to those around you. I just know you're going to help so many people.. I can feel it, and now I know that I can leave my peace with you, kiddo. Don't let the twinkling innocence in your eyes die out, my little basketball player", the old man chokes out fondly while softly petting Yoongi's hair. With his last final words, he smiles and says, "live your dream, Min Yoongi. Follow your own path.....And, Make your own."


Basketball... Something that Yoongi loved to do when he was younger. A sport that he loved to play- for his grandfather.

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