Epilogue: An Epic Family

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Fifteen years later

Twins 17 years old 6 months

Elisa 16 years old

Triplets 15 years old

"Ama, I really don't want to do this," Nick whispers to me as we sit in our hospital room with him laid out on the bed, his bottom lip being nibbled on. His blue eyes are wide as he looks at me terrified.

"It's going to be okay, sweetheart. Even if you are a Carrier you know we love you the same and that we will always have your back," I assure his hand in mine as he silently cries from his nerves.

"Hey I'm a Carrier and so is Ama. We're okay. It's going to be alright. We'll get through this as a family like always," Luke tries to assure his little brother. His golden eyes almost hidden behind his black hair that is getting far too long and is styled in that fringe look that Louis has always been famous for.

I push myself up from my seat waddling over to the counter to grab him a couple tissues.

"Ama, you don't need to be doing that. You should be sitting down. I can get them," Nick tries to argue, but I wave his worries away ask I come back with several tissues in hand.

"I'm fine, you're only worried because your other fathers have you all so worked up and protective of me. I'm six months pregnant, not even near my due date," I remind them as I while away his tears giving his head a loving kiss, "The only thing that is going to suck about being a Carrier aside from the Transitions is how protective everybody gets."

"That is SO true! If any of the guys even try to check me out at school Jeremiah about eats their heads off. It's awful!" Luke agrees running his pencil stained hand through his hair.

"I thought I told you to wash that off before we came here Lucas James," I sigh hating how his hands are always covered in the stupid graffiti.

"I forgot, sorry," he shrugs grinning at me cheekily.

I whack him playfully as I lower myself back down in the chair my hand going around my swollen bump.

"Sorry it took me so long to get here. Harry and I got in a bit of an argument," Louis sighs as he joins us in the room looking still his delicious 26 years of age.

"Please tell me it wasn't over that stupid lamp again," I groan wanting to trash the stupid lamp that Harry had bought at some antique store in LA myself just so those two will stop arguing about it.

"Nope, he brought home a giant elephant statue to put in our yard. What are we going to do with an elephant statue? It looks SO stupid and when I told him that he flipped out on me telling me about how he is sick of me bringing home so many baked goods blabbing about how it is making Niall chunky and is bad for the kids and how you shouldn't be eating it. Honestly, Niall's little belly isn't even from baked goods it's from all the blasted beer he drinks, which Harry blamed on me as well before poking my gut roughly. I mean I don't even have a beer gut! He's just looking for something to complain about with his nerves about the Grammy's next month and our four little ones on the way," Louis grumbles turning to the side and pulling his shirt up for us all to see his stomach that he insist is not existent which I must agree on.

"You have a beer gut starting, sorry Papa," Jeremiah's familiar joking and sarcastic voice sounds as he enters the room with Elisa trailed behind him.

"Hey take that back or I'm taking your phone!" Louis threatens jokingly shaking his finger at our oldest.

"What are you doing here?" Nick asks his eyes going wide as his protective brother comes over giving him a big hug.

"I have to be here to support you kid. Plus, I wanted to make sure this bimbo hasn't run off with Andrew and to yell at Ama for leaving the house without one of us," Jeremiah scolds me leaning in to give my cheek a kiss and to flick Luke in the back of the head.

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