Another Baby

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Liam's POV

I may be eager to have another baby, but it seems the past seven months have allowed me to forget what a chore it can be to be pregnant.

I am kneeled in front of the toilet for the third time this morning throwing up violently into the toilet. Between my sickness and an ill baby I have gotten no sleep for the past two days. My poor Jeremiah seems to have come down with a cold and keeps waking up at night crying for one reason or another which wakes his twin. Dr. Ada assures me that he'll be fine in a couple of days with the medicine she gave me to give him each night but a couple of days just seems too far away.

I may have also forgot to mention to her that I may be pregnant and experiencing horrible morning sickness. I didn't say anything knowing that she would tell the lads and I don't want them to know until I know for sure. Maybe wait a week or two.

"Liam James, if you weren't feeling miserable right now I would be yelling at you," I hear Harry's voice sounding unusually angry from behind me. I don't bother looking up though, the feeling of the cool porcelain against my forehead feels too good and I don't think I even have the energy to do it.

"Mm sorry..." I mumble blinking a couple times trying to keep my eyes open. I hear him sigh loudly as I hear cabinets opening and the sound of the faucet running. I feel his arms wrap around me pulling me into his arms, having me rest my head against his chest. I can feel a cool cloth against my sweaty skin and feel his hand on my back gently rubbing.

"Morning sickness?" he asks in a hushed tone as he washes away the vomit and sweat that covers my skin.

"I think so," I mumble rubbing my stomach as I feel a cramp hit, but the sudden cry from Jeremiah allows me to forget my own discomfort. I try to get to my feet, but I am just too shaky and Harry's arm around me stops me from going much of anywhere, "Jeremiah, he needs me," I protest in a hushed tone.

"Louis is taking care of him. Both of the twins are fine. Liam, why didn't you tell one of us that you aren't feeling well and don't try to bull shit me saying it just started today. I noted you weren't feeling well three days ago, but I said nothing figuring you would come to us on your own," he continues as I relax into his embrace trying to keep my eyes open.

"I-I wanted to know for sure...not that bad," I mumble unintelligently. The sigh that follows makes it clear he isn't pleased with the answer.

I don't get the chance to hear his response if there had been any for sleep finally takes me and I couldn't be more pleased.

Harry's POV

"What was he thinking?" Louis hisses at me in the bathroom of our hotel room.

"He was being Liam. You know how he can be. He's stubborn, hates asking for help, and likes to not worry everybody," I patiently remind him as I flush the toilet and clean up the bathroom a little.

"Well he does rely on other people now and he is always worrying us. No wonder Zayn about lost his mind trying to protect him, I'm about to lose my trying to protect him from himself," Louis grumbles clicking a pen anxiously.

"Relax, I'll take care of it. I already let Dr. Ada know, she'll be over in the morning. You just take care of the twins. I'll take care of Liam," I assure Louis grabbing his hand forcing him to stop clicking the pen.

"Okay, you're the health guru. I'll just take care of the twins, keep things reasonable, and make sure everybody still has fun," Louis grins kissing my cheek before merrily going back out the door like he had not been anxious just two seconds ago.

I chuckle shaking my head, use to Louis' odd behavior by now. Heading out I grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge and sit down on the bed beside Liam kissing his forehead gently making him stir. He blinks a couple of times looking up at me with tired puppy dog brown eyes. The bags under his eyes and loss of water through sweat and vomit worrying me.

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