Starting A New Life

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Twins 2 years 4 months

Elisa 1 year 1 month

Pregnancy 7 months

Liam's POV

"Should we wake him or do you want to just carry him?" I hear the hushed voices of my husbands whispering to each other as I begin to slowly wake up.

"He looks so peaceful I really don't want to wake him, but I think they're going to want him awake to talk to him," Louis sighs as I grumble and turn my head to the side so that my nose is tickling the fabrics of Niall's shirt.

"I don't think we have to worry about it, he's already awake. Open your eyes Li," Niall calls me out. I groan in protest snuggling into his lap, but I do open my eyes blinking several times to adjust to the sunlight that is shinning in.

"Hey there you, how are you feeling?" Harry asks me as he reaches out to gently stroke my hair from where he is standing next to the open car door.

"Mmm okay. Where are the babies?" I ask as I struggle into a sitting position with Niall's gentle hand on my back helping me.

"The twins are walking along the sidewalk with Zayn admiring the sidewalk art and murals. Little Elisa is right here being miss grumpy pus," Louis replies making me look up to see that he is holding a pouting Elisa. Her eyes are drooping and red rimmed. Her hair is a little untidy, her shoes and socks are gone and she clutches her plush Rapunzel doll in her tiny hand.

"Aw is my poor baby girl tired?" I ask her as Harry helps me get out of the car my legs trembling weakly beneath me, but Harry is right there to support me, his arm wrapped securely around my waist.

She whimpers and tears fill those pretty green eyes of hers as she holds her arms out to me. My limbs feel to weak to hold her, which is heartbreaking for me, because she is giving me the most adorable look wanting so badly to be held by her Ama.

I settle for leaning in to her so my cheek is practically pressed up against Louis' chest as I lean in giving her a little kiss on her head and a several kisses all over her face making her squeal in delight and snuggle in closer to her Papa.

"I have been trying to get her to do that for the past 15 minutes and all you have to do is give her kisses," Louis pouts.

"Ama's can always make their babies feel better," I laugh leaning in to peck his lips, which turns his pout upside down.

"Alright let's get inside. We're attracting some curious onlookers," Harry speaks up making me notice some of the people on the streets were looking curiously at our family while exchanging whispers.

"Why do they keep looking at us like that? I mean that one's a pregnant Carrier, that one is holding the hands of two husbands and that one is being escorted around town by his son. What makes us so different?" I ask pouting wanting to finally fit in somewhere.

"We do have celebrity status and you have to remember that you're not exactly your everyday Carrier," Harry reminds me as we start to make our way towards the main building of the little Carrier village, the hospital.

Niall falls into step beside me his fingers entangling with mine as I snuggle into Harry's side. Over his shoulder is the main baby bag that is full of sippy cups, diapers, wipes, toys and any other thing we could possibly need in a baby emergency.

Zayn is waiting for us by the hospital doors with an overexcited Jeremiah balanced on his hip and a wide-eyed, shy Luke clutching onto his free hand.

"Luke, can I carry you?" Niall asks our overwhelmed youngest son, so he does not have to try to keep up with us with his tiny little legs.

In response Luke just holds his arms up in the air to his Nini, his bottom lip trembling as he notices the crowd of curious onlookers growing.

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