She sighs,"I know, But I am your friend. I don't want to see my friend and my teammate get hurt."

"And neither do I,Artemis. Its best if my life is kept away from the team,or..."

"What team,punk?" a familiar voice says.

I turn around to see the same brown hair kid,now in the gym uniform looking at me with wild eyes.

"Kevin, go find other plush bunnies to play with. We're talking." Artemis says and turns back.

He pulls me back and spins me around. He holds my wrist,his grip tight. I immediately think back to my encountering with James,and immediately uppercut punch Kevin,smack in the jaw.
He falls back,in pain. I holds his jaw,tears falling down his face. I look back at him. I felt my eyes shift to its heart shape,but was still hazel.

I kneel down to his eye level."If you ever bug me or my friend again,Your heart wont be the only thing struck by pain." I say,enraged.

Gym was fairly easy,and I didn't talk to Artemis the entire time. When we were dismissed,I ran to the locker room,changed out,and walked to lunch.

Dick was sitting there,calmly eating. He looks up from his seat and waves. I walk over,smiling. Suddenly,I tripped and found my self  covered in some sort of icy liquid. It smelled of cherry. I look up to see a cup in Rachel's hand. it read: Slushy ice mix.

The cafeteria was laughing at me,including the lunch ladies. I felt tears warming up. I pick up my stuff.,but someone pushes me back to the ground,causing me to drop everything again.

"That's what you get for punching my boyfriend and ditching my group for a nerdy one." She bickers and laughs.

I kept calm,but if I had no netherling boundaries,I would have ripped her skull off her head. How dare she?! I felt my magic burning in me. Immediately,all the water in the room floated in the air,everyone looked up as it just levitated. Only thing is, I was doing it. I looked back at Rachel,who was still admiring the display,and dropped the water on her. I played some theatrical emotions of fear as I backed up and laughed immediately,to hide my doings,when she looked, shocked as she was drenched in water.

Dick looked at me in shock,but with a smile on his face." How did you do that" That was the best prank I've ever seen!" I snickers. Why does he sound so familiar?

"Every prankster has its secrets...." I whisper and exit the room,with a red faced Rachel and stupid posse.

That night,Batman gave me extra work and three extra hours of training tomorrow for making a big scene in school. How the hell did he... oh right,Artemis, and news apparently gets around in school.
Artemis laughed at the idea of me pranking someone,but when Dick told her,she went wild. She started laughing so hard,milk came shooting out of nose.

That night I got a call from Dick on the phone Robin gave me, in case I needed to call League. I was skeptical,but took it anyway. I look at the caller ID,deciding whether or not to take the call.
Finally,after an internal debate,I take it...

"Crimson? " he says through the phone.

"Hi,Whats up?" I replied.

"Oh,nothing. I just wanted to remind you about the dinner over at my house,remember? come at 6."

"Yeah,I was just about to get ready." That was a little lie. Sure, I was just about to get ready.... to fall to a corner and sleep on the floor.

"OK, see ya then." He says and hangs up.

I immediately find something fancy and still casual. I rummage through my mothers suitcase full of regal clothing,imported from Wonderland's finest tailors. I finally found one that fit the scene.

Claws And Scratches(YJ Fanfic w/ an Alice In wonderland Twist)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz