Their Paid Girl - ella_enchanted

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Their Paid Girl - ella_enchanted


So apparently lots of people who have read this story informed me that it's not at all what they were expecting based on the title and description. So now there's no description, partly because you should read this story because you're a spontaneous little devil deep down, but also because people who feature my story in their "Favourite Books on Wattpad" (thanks so much, by the way!) will be forced to post this God-awful description that isn't really a description and people will have no idea what to think about it.

Also, if you've read this far, then I'd like to say that you have a nice butt. Thank you, that's all, and have a glorious day.

My Opinion: the description...sneaky girl very sneaky. I really REALLY like this book because she's totally right, the title makes you think the story is going to be about something worse than it is, hehe. But seriously the plotline is just aw, and then there's aw, and a bit more aww, because it's just one of those books that you cant help but love. The main characters of course are fantastic and fun but once again there's something a bit more serious going on underneath it all and it is so great reading about it and discovering it all! This is definitely one of my must reads!!

My WATTPAD Must Reads!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin