Playing His Little Game - upthere

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Playing His Little Game - upthere



It's a bet.
Melody Evans is a mature, smart girl while her best friend, Noah Freely is a conceited player. When Melody gets broken up with, Noah devises a bet between the two of them involving them basically switching places. Melody has to hook up with all the single guys in her grade before Noah makes a girl fall in love with him for a huge reward but if she doesn't then she'll have to face public humiliation. What happens when the two of them have their own secrets going on during this bet? It's time for Melody to step it up and be like Noah by playing his little game.

My Opinion:

Okay I seriously love this book. Yes it's one of those 'bet' stories but do not let that put you off as it is not the typical plotline! With over 300,000 views, this story definitely deserves more, I know I always wait eagerly for the next chapter to come out! The characters are funny and in a weird kind of way even quite relatable even if you aren't a manslut like Noah. Consider reading this story because I promise you wont regret it!

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