Illegal My Ass - makeandoffer

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Illegal My Ass - makeandoffer


Mia Hastings was never one to follow the rules.

Her brother knew it, her best friend knew it. Everyone knew it. She lives for the moment, doing whatever she feels and thinking of the consequences later. Her main goal in life is to live it.

Mia’s brother’s best friend Drake O’Connell was never big on rules.

The judge who sentences him to 2 years in prison knew it.  He is known for being the bad boy, partying and womanising. His charm, good looks and obnoxious behaviour made his life pretty easy and his main goal in it was to have fun. He had lost 2 years of his life locked up, so he was determined to make up for lost time.

So when these two people are thrown together, both without a care in the world, issues of their own and more secrets than an episode of Pretty Little Liars, you can expect a story full of laughs, tears, arguments and felonies.

They might be breaking the law, but both Mia and Drake are about to find out that when it feels wrong, it is ALWAYS more fun.

My Opinion:

Okay I'm pretty sure this is one of my all time favourite books, inside and outside of Wattpad. It was the first book I ever read from this author (and not the last as you'll see later on) and I found myself howling with laughter and pretty much had my mouth gaping open at the end. I haven't read it in SO long but I still remember what the characters were like and how it ends; it's unforgettable. This girl knows how to write and make you never want to stop reading. The characters are funny, witty, sarcastic and pretty much everything you expect from teenagers...but better.

This is one serious must read. I really love this book.

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