Drop Dead Gorgeous - KatRuby

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Drop Dead Gorgeous - KatRuby



The heavy droplets of rain were slowly slipping down the hood of his leather jacket and a few effortlessly kissed his dark chocolate hair.
»H…Hi.« I sputtered.
»What do you have there?« He walked closer to me and gazed into my eyes with his dark ones, that perfectly matched his hair, then lowered his sight towards the kitten, hidden under my jacket.
»One lil' kitty found another.« He smirked, amused by his own joke.

My Opinion:

This story is so cute so far! The story uses it's main characters to raise awareness to a lot of serious issues that do actually happen and illnesses that affect real people out there but it doesn't put a downer on the story in anyway. It's great to read about every laugh, every argument and every blush between the two main characters and watch as they come together to make a very unusual couple.

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