Living with the Walker Boys - knightsrachel

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Living with the Walker Boys - knightsrachel



Zoe Baker is 16. She and her father have always been close, he's the only person she's ever trusted. Then, Zoe's father has to move to Wyoming. Worse off, he doesn't have the money to bring Zoe with him. He sends Zoe to live with a friend, Rob Walker. What Zoe isn't told is that Rob has 7 children, all boys. Now Zoe has to learn how to live with the heart throbs of her new high school. Not only are these boys super adorable, but they're players. Can Zoe survive this crazy new life that she's been thrust into?

My Opinion:

This is a totally controversial storyline, some people love the idea that there are so many variations of the same plot and some people hate it. Honestly? I was (well still am) on the hate it side but I give props when I actually read and enjoy one and I did exactly that when I read this. Although the plotline is overused the story is weird in a different kind of way. The characters aren't all those aww I love them typical characters and I know for me Zoe absolutely infuriated me to no end and I liked that. I liked that there was that annoying character and she just happened to be the main girl. It made me feel like it was at least a bit more realistic as not everyone in life is great and this story showed it in more ways than on.

I know this isn't the 'original' Living with the...Surviving the...My life with the....story, but it's a damn good variation of it that I really enjoyed!

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