How To Turn A Good Girl Bad - LikkleAngel

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How To Turn A Good Girl Bad - LikkleAngel


Hailey is a good girl. She gets good grades, she never argues, and even she knows that she's a pushover. Her Sister Rebecca is the popular head cheerleader and every schools 'queen bee' it's hard to tell they're even related. Moving from place to place has become their life. When they start another new school Hailey doesn't think this will be any different.

Daniel is the Bad boy. He doesn't care what people think. He plays with heart strings as if they were the strings on a guitar and he never listens to anyone. When he meets Hailey no one would expect anything to happen. They're two opposites, they shouldn't even talk, but Hailey's good girl days are reaching their end. She's tired of being told what to do and following everyone's orders. When Daniel becomes a part in her life it might just be enough to turn a good girl bad...

My Opinion:

If you see my username you know I have a thing for bad boy stories...and this one has a special place in my heart...right there in the left ventricle where all the awesome stories go. So this is the first bad boy story I long ago and I absolutely adore it. This book is special in so many ways and it needs to be read because it will just make you happy and maybe gain a little bit more faith in boys. Hailey is a great character and so is Daniel and oh my god put them together and it's just perfect!

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