The Relationship Series - XxSkater2Girl16xX

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The Relationship Series - XxSkater2Girl16xX



Description (A Proscriptive Relationship):

Holly's new, young teacher has a dark past, and a dangerous future. She soon finds herself charmed by his ways, and gets thrown into the chaos. Who knew having an ex-gangster for a teacher could be so troublesome? As Holly and Mr. Heywood grow closer, more questions about his past come upon Holly, as does danger. What is Mr. Heywood keeping from Holly? And why is it so bad? But most importantly, if she falls for him, could their relationship survive? After all... it would be a proscriptive relationship.

Description (A Surreptitious Relationship):

Chris and Holly's relationship is finally perfect. With no gangs to harass them, the only thing they have to worry about it keeping their relationship a secret from the student body and faculity at school. Simple enough. However with the appearance of two new students, new troubles arise. The new girl isn't who she seems, but no one will believe Holly, and the new boy seems to enjoy causing Holly problems. Meanwhile Chris is finding it harder and harder to stay away from Holly in school. Keeping their relationship a secret suddenly becomes ten times harder. And to top it all off, Jeremy has a big surprise for every one.

Description (An Everlasting Relationship):

Holly and Chris's adventure continues!
I should probably give this a better description.......eventually....


My Opinion:

I had some mad obsession with these books, I wont lie. I don't know what it is about them that just makes you want to read and read and read and read and read and read get the point. I love reading about Holly's embarrassing traits and Chris'...well his hotness to be honest. And Jeremy! Who doesn't love Jeremy, don't lie now, that guy is the greatest! So honestly there is nothing bad I can say about this series at all because it is perfect and I hope it gets published! This is a SERIOUS must read although basically everyone has already read it and if you haven't...what the heck are you waiting for?



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