The Art of Mending a Broken Heart - fallzswimmer

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The Art of Mending a Broken Heart - fallzswimmer



When Jack gets suspended from school in the middle of his father's re-election as the mayor of Miami, his parents can't deal with his immature behaviour anymore, so they send him away to Chicago to live with his older sister. Jack is pissed that he has to start over and spend his Superstar senior year away from the school that loves him. Instead of going quietly, Jack decides that he needs to get back at his parents and embarrass them at the same time. How? By making a porno...

My Opinion:

LOOOVE this book. I had seen it before and hadn't read it but the more I saw it the more I thought eh may as well. And when I started I couldn't stop. It's a great story about a boy and a girl and a bet but once again not the conventional storyline and that's why I like it so much! I would say more but I really don't want to give anything away so I suppose you'll all have to read and find out...

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