Why my sister was punched by an old lady...

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No this is not a book review but read on because I have a funny story to tell you lot. I mentioned in the last review that my sister was punched in the face by an old lady and the story is so funny I just have to tell you about it!

Okay, so a couple of years ago we had this horrid little witch living across the street from us, obviously she was as old as time itself and deaf as anything but she was the meanest little shit you'd ever laid eyes on....well that was what I thought until my sister comes home from work today looking like she's about to kill someone.

The conversation went a bit like this.

Sister: Oh my fucking god.

Me: What?

Sister: I had the worst morning ever!

Me: Do tell.

Sister: So I was on the bus to work (my sister works with children at the gym as a part time job while she's in College) and there was a bloody diversion so the driver goes all around the houses and then just bloody stops. So I went up to him and asked if I could get off and he said it was against some policy (this policy does not exist that lying bastard) to let anyone off. So I'm there already late for work and start arguing with the guy because, please, what bullshit. And he starts shouting and swearing at me and all I wanted to do was get off the STATIONARY bus and WALK to work!

Me: I would have just shoved his fat ass over and slammed that door openy button thing, shown him my middle finger and swagged off like a boss.

Sister: Shut up and let me tell the damn story! So, I'm arguing with the driver and suddenly this old woman is next to me and starts saying how rude I am! And I didn't know what to do so I just keep arguing with the driver and the next thing I know this woman says to me, 'You're so rude! and PUNCHES me in the face. Yeah, she was old so it didn't hurt but still!

Me: *laughs so hard I think I rupture my spleen* Did you punch her back?

Sister: No way! She was old! I just started at her for ages like the fuck?

Me: If someone punched me, I don't give a fuck who they are, I would punch them back. I don't care if they're old, young or Chinese. (I wouldn't really hit an old lady...like ever. Unless it was like old man Hitler or something! But I am prone to being a bit of a hothead...)

Sister: Why Chinese?

Me: Chinese people are so cute and I love them. (I seriously do love Chinese people, I wanna adopt a Chinese kid when I'm older and call him Channing after my love, MR Tatum)

Sister: Okay...well, yeah.

Me: You should have just said to her really calm like, 'listen here you old bat, you've just assaulted me in public, in front of witnesses and on a bus that is wired with CCTV, you'd better take a couple steps back before I land your ass in jail.' That would have scared her.

Sister: Didn't think of that!

Me: Well it's lucky she hit you and not me then because I wouldn't have let her get away with that!

Sister: That's because you are a bitch.

Me: Yes, and what?


That is more or less how the conversation went and NO I did not mean to offend anyone here and I don't really see how you could be offended unless you were old, crazy and looking for an ASBO so...Yeah.

I literally laughed so hard when my sister told me this! I mean, sure I've had my run ins with idiots on the streets but I've never been attacked by an old biddie!

So tell me, do you think it is acceptable to hit back if an old lady socks you one in the face? Would you walk away? Retaliate? Scream? Seriously, I know I wouldn't have let her get away with it and I WOULD have reported her because if it were reversed, she would do the same to me...why do old people get to get away with things?

So, what would you do if you were my dear older sister?

And why the heck do old people get away with murder?



Does anyone else just like...breakdown over Army stuff? I do. big time as in I cant watch Dear John without having to stop it and sob every two minutes. I cant watch the Ours music video by Taylor Swift...I swear the first time I watched it I cried for like 20 minutes at the end. I think it all started about four years ago when I read 'Private Peaceful' (book lovers, must read it is so emotional! not on Wattpad) I remember reading it for school and going home and sitting for hours reading it then saying I had to go to the bathroom at the end because I didn't want to cry in front of my mum....I was THAT upset. I just read a book on here about a guy that leaves his girlfriend to be in the Navy and honestly it wasn't even well written but I still ended up crying because I cant help it! I swear it's ridiculous. I am not a crier at all, as in I only cry when i'm really angry but army guys...get to me.

Sorry this is so random but I just needed to write shit down and I can barely see cause im still crying right now it's so ridiculous. Am I the only one? COMMENT!

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