Not All Blondes Do Backflips - CrayonChomper

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Not All Blondes Do Backflips - CrayonChomper



I hate them.

On my first day at my new school, a girl in a blue and white cheerleader's uniform told me I 'looked like a cheerleader' and asked me to come to try-outs.

I almost decked her.

Blond hair and blue eyes do not a cheerleader make.

Cheerleaders are bitchy and mean but they can act all happy and excited and they can drool and swoon over Finn Wallace – the hands-down hottest guy in school – like there's no tomorrow.

Me?  Well, I'm just bitchy and mean.

So someone please tell me why Finn Wallace is suddenly chasing after me?

My Opinion:

I could have done a bloody backflip when I found this story! All I had to read was 'Stereotypes, I hate them', to know this was my kind of book. There are so many things I love about this book so far such as how much this girl swears...a girl after my own heart I can tell, and how bitchy and mean she is...also a lot like me so you can see why I love this story! It's about time we see a story where the girl is so NOT typical it's actually pretty shocking because yes those girls do exist. I love reading all about the main characters life and laughing and laughing and well...laughing. I do a lot of that while reading this and im sure there are a whole lot more laughs to come.

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