My Reason To Be - Loveatacoffeeshopxx

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My Reason To Be - Loveatacoffeeshopxx


After a tragic incident a year ago, Charlotte Styles is adjusting to life with limitations. Luckily, she has her twin brother Harry Styles as her rock as well as her caring family. And now there is another person who proves himself to be a necessity in her life. In Zayn, Charlotte begins to find the comfort and safety she had been looking for all along. Follow Charlotte through the many moments in her journey to finding her, dare I say it, Superman.     

   My Opinion: 

Here's the deal guys. You cannot let the fact that this is a fan fiction stop you from reading it! Seriously, I get some people don't like One Direction, guess what, I don't, but I read this story because it is AMAZING. You could change the damn names and it would still be a phenomenal story! I don't even know why I described it as a fanfic because it practically isn't! Everything the average fan fiction is...this isn't! Is it predictable? NO FREAKING WAY. It's written by my amazing and talented friend (Hey Reem, it's actually Livvy but this is my other writers account ;)) and she knows what she is doing. This girl is talented and I can tell you right now i'm not just saying it because she's a good friend of mine, i'm tell you because it's the truth. This is joint my favourite book on this site (up there with Beautiful Dreamer and The Cell Phone Swap).

You do not need to be a 1D fan to read this book, truly I wouldn't be reading it if you do as like I said I really hate those bastards now but like I could stop reading this book?! You read the first few chapters and you're already so hooked you ignore everything to read it and just get sucked into the writing, the characters, the storyline, EVERYTHING.

Read this. okay just do it (NIKE!!!!).

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