Silent treatment Cas

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A/n- I'll be taking and writing a lot of request on Friday so expect that (((:

Cas and Dean had been quiet all day. Which was extremely odd because Dean never shut his big ass mouth, and Cas was never usually so quiet.

Every time you tried to talk to him he would get wide eyed, and walk out of the room. You were completely puzzled, and began to walk down the hall hoping to find Cas in the library with the boys.

As soon as you approached the doorway you only saw Sammy doing some research. You sat down next to him and he looked up smiling at you. "Hiya Sammy" "Hey y/n"

"Do you know why it's so freaking quiet round here?" You questioned. Sam thought for a second a look of confusion taking over his facial expressions. "You know now that I think about it, it has been strangely quiet today."

As if on cue Cas walked into the library. "Hey Cas where's Dean?" Sam asked. Cas didn't answer he just slapped his hand over his mouth and ran out of the room. "What the actual hell?" You questioned. Sam shrugged his shoulders and went back to reading his book.

You decided you were going to get to the bottom of this and figure out what the hell Cas and Dean were up to. Walking down into the kitchen you found Dean sitting eating some pie "hey Dean" he didn't even say anything he just nodded at you. Weird. You continued on into the formal living room area and finally found Cas.

"Hey Cas" you smiled. He smiled back at you and went to say something but quickly shut his mouth before any words came out. "Cas if you talk I'll take you to go watch the bees" His eyes lit up at the idea but then he just shook his head.

That's when you had the bright idea of tackling him, and tickling him to death. He started squirming, playfully yelling
"Y/n stop!" Erupting into a fit of giggles. You stopped victoriously "ha! I got you to talk!"

"Noooo! Y/n!!! I was playing the quiet game with Dean" It all made sense now. "Sorry Cassy" You said shrugging your shoulders. "Wait wait wait! Don't tell Dean I lost." You chuckled and you were about the say okay when Dean popped into the doorway. "HA CAS I WIN!!!"

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