Sammy Imagine For the Sammy to my Dean

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A/n- Here you goooooooo. This is for my bffsy.
Summary: K and Sammy's wedding.
• Today was the day. You were marrying Sam freaking Winchester. Everything was perfect, your dress, the venue, everything. All of your family and friends were there to support you.

Your bridesmaids looked fabulous, but the way you looked slayed and you definitely outshined them. Tahja one of your bridesmaids was telling you how beautiful you looked, Bristal was in the corner pouting because you looked way better than her, Dallas was taking millions of pictures while crying (it was hilarious (; ) and you and your maid of honor Ashley (Ginger) were laughing at everybody.

10 minutes later. You brother peeked his head through the door. "Hey K, it's time to walk down the aisle sis." You smiled and followed your bridesmaids out to the alter. Halfway down the aisle, your dress got caught under your cowboy boots and you fell. Flat on your face. You started laugh your ass off. Looking up you saw Sammy chuckling. You got up brushing yourself off and continued to walk down the aisle.

As you got closer to Sam, you saw his eyes pool w/ tears. Oh my lord. It was so cute. "Sammy why are you crying?" "You look so beautiful!" My heart! My heart! That was to cute. The priest began officiating the marriage.

When the time to exchange rings and vows arrived, your Yorkie puppy Esther padded down the aisle w/ the rings attached to her collar. Right before your vows you whispered "you still like me right?" To Sam and he burst out laughing. You guys exchanged vows, and the reception began.

You and Sammy had a rad time at the reception, and every food imaginable was there and you were in heaven.
Happy wife, happy life.

This was shit. Hahaha this is my failed attempt at being funny. I'll write you a good one later fam.

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