Connie (Personal imagine)

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Summary: Sam finds your personal journal.
A/N: Your just friends at the beginning in this imagine.

Sam was looking for a certain book about Angels while researching in the bunker, when he found your journal. He didn't know what it was at first but when he opened it he recognized your handwriting. Usually he wouldn't get in anyone's personal business like a journal but Sam had a huge crush on you. So maybe if he read your journal then he could find out if you like him back. After flipping through about ten pages he finally found a page about him: I really like Sam but it's pretty obvious he doesn't feel the same way. If he did he would have made a move by now.
Sam couldn't believe what he was reading; you had liked him for the longest time and he had no clue. At that moment he decided that he should finally make his move.
*2 weeks pass* You were talking with Dean in the Impala and he wouldn't tell you where you were going. "Dean where are we going?" You asked blindfolded. "Shut up we're here" When Dean took off the blindfold all you saw was Sam standing in a huge pasture with a picnic lunch set up, holding a dozen roses. You couldn't believe what you were seeing; a Winchester being romantic and it was all for you. So Dean slowly got into his car and drive off while you ran up to Sam to hug him. "Here these are for you!" Sam says giving you the flowers. "Thanks Sammy, you did this all for me?" You grinned. "Of course, Connie I just wanted to tell you that I-I really like you" You blushed a deep Scarlett "I like you too Sammy!" "Then I guess your not mind if I do this then." Sam exclaims giving you a sweet kiss.
A/N: I'm so sorry Connie if you didn't like this. I can write another one of this one sucks really bad.

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