Imagine for Kaylee

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A/n: Hope this is what you were looking for Kaylee. (:

Summary: Dean and Kaylee lose their first child.

9:30 A.M. Your alarm went off, playing your favorite song. You felt Dean shift as you slowly opened your eyes and sat up. After your mind was fully awake you realized that today was finally the day of your first ultrasound!

You and Dean were excited beyond any words when you found out you were pregnant. You shook Dean trying to wake him up but he just started to tiredly groan. You chuckled and said "Dean baby we have to get ready for out my first ultrasound!"

Dean's eyes shot open and he bolted out of bed picked you up and spun you around. "We finally get to see our little baby today Kaylee!" As he put you down he gave you a cute little kiss.

20 minutes later and you're in the car on your way to the doctors. You wanted to go to the best doctors office for pregnancy in the country so you had to travel 4 hours to get there. The entire way you blasted your favorite songs and sang the words as loud as you could. You two were ecstatic to be parents. You wanted to give your kids the life you guys never got to live; an apple pie life.

Walking into the doctors office you arrived right when your names got called. "Mr. And Mrs. Winchester." You practically skipped into the examination room while she had you lay down on the bed, and told you smiling "I'll be right back honey." "Thank you" Dean grins sitting down in the chair next to you, grabbing your hand. She came back with gel to put on your tummy. "Lift your shirt up hun."

As she was looking for a heartbeat, she had a nervous and worried expression on her face. "Let me go get the doctor." The doctor walked in and continued the ultrasound asking you questions. "How far along are you?" "4 weeks" the doctor sighs taking off his glasses and turning to you and Dean.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but Mrs. Winchester you've had a miscarriage, I'll give you a minute and I'll send the nurse in to discuss the next steps with you." You and Dean were just absolutely devastated. When the nurse came back in and saw you two, she started to get teary eyed, because she knew how much you two wanted this.

Arriving home 9 P.M. You and Dean didn't say a word the entire drive home. You could tell he was trying hard to keep it together and be strong for you. As soon as you walked into the door, with your makeup smudged from crying you immediately went straight to your room and laid down in your bed in complete darkness.

Dean trailed after you, crawling into the covers pulling you close to him. You started to sob feeling guilty. "Dean I-I'm sorry." Dean began to tear up replying "Kaylee you know it's not your fault baby right?" "My one job as a mother was to protect my child and I couldn't do that one thing, I'm so so sorry Dean." He didn't say anything he just held you while you sobbed and sang Hey Jude to you, hoping it would comfort you, but midway into the chorus is voice cracked and he started to sob with you.

- hope this was sad like you wanted it to be.

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