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Dean: When you're sick Dean refuses to hunt until your better and he'll spend all day nursing you back to help bringing you soup and tea.
You: When Dean is sick he tries not to show it and you have to make him lay down and let you take care of him. You go buy tissues, medicine, and soup for him.

Sam: When you're sick Sam is that kind of person that will make you take the disgusting spoonful of grape medicine, and he brings you extra blankets and pillows so you can be nice and warm while you get some healing sleep.
You: When Sam is sick he tries to hunt no matter how bad his cold or flu is. So you have to make him lie down while you run out and get him some supplies, and when you get back he's usually asleep so you crawl under the covers and snuggle him.

Cas: He heals you.
You: He doesn't get sick. (When he is still an angel)

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