Romantic Bath

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Dean: Dealing with the leviathans was stressing Dean out really bad. He was grumpy and tired all the time kinda how like when a 3 year old doesn't take a nap. So when he went out for a food run you decided to set up a nice bath for him. You grabbed a case of beer and pie and you headed upstairs to get everything ready to go. You filled the tub up with some hot water, got your bathtub tray and set the beer and pie on it. Then lastly you turned on some classic rock. "Babe?!" Dean yells. "Upstairs bathroom!!" You yell replying. You hear the sound of his boots making their way upstairs and into the bathroom. "Hey Dean" you smile. "Hey babe what's all this?" Dean asks looking surprised. "It's a awesome bath I set up for you!" You motioned for him to get undressed and get into the tub. As soon as he got in you saw the hot water relaxed his muscles, you started to leave the room to give him some alone time when he called your name. "Y/n?" "Yeah babe" "join me?" "Sure" you say getting undressed.

Sam: You walked through the front door of yours and Sam's new house drenched from the rain and upset after a terrible day at work. You were a vet tech (basically and animal nurse) and 3 animals died on you today and you were taking it pretty hard. Sam came out to greet you when he noticed the tears streaming down your face and how your teeth were chattering from the cold. "baby what happened to you?" Sam asks concern written all over his puppy dog face. "T-three ani-animals died t-today." You sobbed. "Oh honey that's not your fault, you did the best you could. You change out of those wet clothes while I draw you bath." Sam says kissing you. "O-okay Sammy?" "Yeah?" "I love you" "I love you too baby, now go upstairs." You shakily walked to your master bedroom and stripped off your heavy wet clothes and walked into the master bathroom. Sammy was already in the the tub waiting for you and motioned you to join him. As soon as your aching cold body hit the warm water you instantly relaxed. He left a trail of kisses along your neck massaging your tense muscles. How did you get so lucky?

Cas: Cas never in his life had taken a bath so you decided to show him how relaxing and romantic bathing could be. "Cas babe come here!!" You call from the bathroom."Are you hurt Y/N?" Cas asks scared. "No Cas were going to take a bath together!" You squealed, clapping. "Okay" Cas smiles at. "Now this, this is relaxing." Cas claims. "I know we should do this again." "Yes, yes we should"

A/n: I'm sorry. This sucks so bad. Cas's story is terrible. So sorry. *facepalm*

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