Finals. (Sam Imagine)

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A/n: I'm taking finals so I thought I'd write a Sam imagine about finals. Everything written in italics is either a time or what you're thinking.

Summary- You get stressed because of finals.

6:30 A.M. Your daily alarm to get up for university went off. You groaned groggily opening you eyes and turned over to snuggle into Sam only to find an empty space beside you. He must already be awake.

You slowly got up pulling your giant duvet off of the bed wrapping it around you, and made your way downstairs. You heard soft music coming from the kitchen. You walked into the kitchen and saw Sam making your favorite breakfast. You hugged him from behind, enveloping him in your duvet, and resting your head on his back.

He turned around kissing your forehead and gave you a big bear hug. "Morning Sammy." He pulled away, "G'morning Darlin" he smiled. He grabbed your small hand in his and led you too the island and you sat down.

"I made you your favorite breakfast!" Sam says setting down a plate in front of you. "Thanks babe." You smile giving him a kiss. As you both ate you thought about having to go to school and take finals. You hated finals. A TON. Sam interrupted your thought asking you "did you sleep well y/n?" Last night you hardly got any sleep at all. "I'm
Not sure my body can handle much more of this 'get out of bed' nonsense!"

Sam chuckled and said, "you're so cute babe. It's almost 7, y/n." You groaned and let out a deep sigh. You had to get to school by 8, so you started up the stairs to go get ready. After doing your hair & makeup, you got dressed and grabbed your school bag making sure everything was there.

Laptop? Check. Notes? Check. Books, keys, phone? Check, check, and check. Walking back downstairs you gave Sammy another morning kiss and got into your car.

6:30 P.M. You trudged through the front entryway, exhausted. Finals were horrible. You felt like you didn't know anything! All day you have just wanted to come home and see Sam. As you looked around for Sam you noticed he wasn't anywhere downstairs. Strange, he's usually in the library when you hit home.

Sighing you walked upstairs, thinking Sam went out with Dean or something. As you got closer to your shared bedroom, you could hear water running. Damnit did I leave the shower on this morning? Nope. When you walked in Sam was running a bath. You immediately pulled him into your embrace.

There was candles and rose petals everywhere. He set up your favorite everything; candy, cookies, drinks, movies. Everything. "Sam, this is freaking gorgeous." Sam smiled "you like it?" "Of course."

You felt so blessed and lucky to call Sam Winchester yours.

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