Chapter 3: He Calls Me Cutie

Start bij het begin

"So cute!" She says and nuzzles her nose with his. I cross my arms at the amount of attention he's getting from her. He licks her face and she giggles, setting him down on the ground where he wags his tail.

She sighs and looks at me, "sorry forgot you were there, heh." She rubs the back of her neck a ting of blush on her cheeks.

"So what are you doing, cutie?" I say taking a step forward . "Training obviously, you?" She says taking a step backward. "Walking Akamaru, obviously." I mimic her, taking more steps forward only for her to move back.

She deadpans and rolls her eyes. "Are you going to continue your lame flirting attempts or can I continue?"

I gasp and fake hurt, "lame?! My flirting skills are awesome."

She gives me a look and walks away. I continue to try to talk to her to which she shuts me down, by then it's time for breakfast.

"Well mutt, it wasn't nice meeting you and I've got to go, later." She says then scratches Akamaru behind his ear and  jumps into the tree I was in earlier and grabs the card thing she threw.

"Wait!" I call out. She turns her head. "What's your actual name, cutie?"

"Aisha Inumaki." She says and runs away. I leap up to the tree she was in and watch her go. As soon as she's out of sight I sigh and lean against the tree. Aisha Inumaki. I think then call up Akamaru and walk back home, thoughts filled with the strange, new girl.

Aisha's POV

"How far away is the target?" Kakashi mutters into the transmitter.

"Five meters and closing!" Naruto replies, "so... How much longer are we gonna wait?!"

Sakura inches closer to the target, "I'm in position."

"So am I." Sasuke says from the tree he's behind. I grunt back a 'same' and sit down on the ground, beyond bored with this stupid 'mission'.

"All right!" They get ready to move I just pull out my cards and start shuffling them for no reason. "GO!"

As soon as Kakashi says those words, they jump out of their hiding spots and charge for the target. Naruto letting out a war cry.

"GOTCHA!" Naruto yells as he grabs the poor cat, thrashing it in the air. The fuzz ball doesn't take it to kindly and let's out a screech as it attacks Naruto's face.

I smirk at that. 'Serves him right.. The boy's annoying.' Tanaka suddenly speaks from the back of my mind. 'Like your any better, flea bag. Now shut up!" I say. "You bi-" he starts but I cut him off and throw up a chakra wall trying to save myself from getting a headache from that fucking wolf.

Kakashis voice rings in my ear, "Make sure it has the red ribbon on its right ear. It Should say 'Tora'."

"Affirmative." Ooh big word, for lil' Sasuke. "Good. Then mission accomplished!"

We arrived  at the Hokages office ten minutes later. "Poor Tora! Good little kitty-kitty, I was so worried about you, I could've died!" The fat ugly lady, who was the cats owner, Lady Shijimi, says as she squishes the gray cat to her face. Only for Tora to Meow and attempt to push away from her.

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