I sighed.

“Can we just leave it at crazy ex boyfriend?” I snatched my hand back.

“Emily,” He moved a strand of hair from my face.

I pulled away.

“No look at me. However he hurt you, I’d never hurt you like that.” He whispered to me.

“Please, just, just leave me alone.” I whispered before running the rest of the way home.

I felt safe once I locked the door. Even safer when I ran around locking everything that could be opened.

I was suddenly glad I convinced my dad to get a house with an alarm system.

I punched in the code and sighed in relief.

I decided against my social studies assignment and opted for pajamas instead.

I ran upstairs and into my room.

The thoughts of Harry flooded in. The way he, looked at me made me shutter.

I slipped on some sweats and a long sleeve pink flannel shirt.

I put my curls in a bun and started clearing off my makeup.

Ding Dong!

Who could that be?

Maybe it was dad!

I raced downstairs and opened the door.

“Harry?” I looked at him confused.

I would have slammed the door in his face, if a kid wasn’t with him.

“Hey.” He smiled.

“W-what are you doing here?” I stuttered.

“I know I’m the last person you wanna see right now, but since we’re neighbors can I ask you a favor?” He looked up at me with shining green eyes.

This ignoring thing is getting hard.

“We’ve bugged Ms. N down the block enough. Our hot water heater went out again. And I was wondering if you could at least let me give Lux a bath here?” He pleaded.


I sighed and crouched down, picking up Lux.

“We’re not even neighbors.” I rolled my eyes.

He pointed to the house two houses down.

“Course.” I sighed. “Bathroom’s the first door to the left.” I pointed.

“I owe you for this.” He smiled at me.

I nodded.

I couldn’t say no to an adorable little girl.

I trailed behind Harry and Lux.

“Haz, where are we?” She asked.

“A friend’s house baby. Like Ms. N. You know how we sometimes have to take showers there?”

Lux nodded.

“Can I have a bubble bath?” She asked, finger in her mouth.

He shook his head.

“Showers are quicker and use less water. Once we get it fixed at home you can-”

“She can take a bath.” I piped up.

Harry looked at me.

“It’s okay. Here.” I leaned into the closet and pulled out a bag of various bubble baths.

Protecting EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now