Remembering the Past

Start from the beginning

A bullet barely passed Alice's head. She froze. Someone had tried to shoot her. She could feel the presence to the person behind her. She turned around. A man with blonde hair stood tall. He had light brown rabbit ears and a gun pointed to Alice's head.

Alice stood shaking. Next to the man with the rabbit ears were two small boys, each holding an ax. Alice was trapped, there was no way to escape! They cornered her and were about to kill her until...

"Alice," a soft voice came from behind them. They all disappeared and in their place was a man with a hat. That hat looked for familiar. Alice reached out to touch the hat, but instead the man forcefully grabbed her hand and pulled her close. Their feet slowly danced across the darkness. Alice could barely see who the man was. They span around, and Alice started to feel dizzy. She pushed away from the strange person, and her head started to spin.

"Alice remember us! Remember who we are..." The voices echoed through the room. Alice couldn't stop hearing the voices. She didn't know what they were talking about, who was talking to her...

"Wonderland," Alice mumbled to herself. "Wonderland!" Alice fainted.

When Alice opened her eyes, all of the people she had seen in her dream were standing above her.

"Where... Where am I..." Alice stuttered. She was really dizzy and had a hard time getting up.

"ALICE! MY LOVE!" Peter attacked the little girl with a hug.

"Ack! Peter not so close. Come on we've had this talk multiply times, especially in Hearts Castle..." Alice froze. Alice had mentioned Wonderland.

"Alice, am I in love with you?" Peter asked with a very serious face. Alice was confused where she was.

"Am I in the country of diamonds again!" Alice panicked. She remembered being there last time. No one knew who she was. Brett started to smile.

"Alice, we've missed you," Brett spoke. Alice stood up shocked.

"Oh my god! BLOOD! MAD HATTER!" Alice raced to Blood's arms crying tears of joy. She was getting her memory back. Boris and Ace were growing impatient.

"What about us?" Ace and Boris said at the same time. Alice released her grasp and pulled them close to her.

"Boris and Ace. My Knave and Cheshire Cat," Alice cried. Boris started to purr and Ace enjoyed her heart beating. Vivaldi tapped on Alice's shoulder.

"Please tell me you haven't forgotten about me," Vivaldi sighed.

"Vivaldi! The Queen of Hearts!" Alice cheered. Vivaldi pulled Alice in for a hug. Vivaldi was actually crying. She had missed Alice very much and was always surrounded by those boys. She liked to have some girl time.

"Twins and my sleepy mouse," Alice recalled. The bloody twins raced to Alice's open arms, with Pierce not far behind.

"Big sis!" Dee sang!

"You've remembered us!" Dum finished. Pierce fitted his way so he was facing Alice.

"May I now squeak a kiss!" Pierce smiled. Elliot came up from behind and knocked the twins and mouses head. Alice gashed, hoping they weren't hurt.

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